2 min read

Easy Guide to Using Scrivener for Your Self-Written Book

Easy Guide to Using Scrivener for Your Self-Written Book

Scrivener is a powerful tool for writers, offering a wide range of features to help you organize, write, and prepare your book for publication. This guide will walk you through the basics of using Scrivener to write your self-published book.

1. Getting Started

Here're the initial steps.

Installation and Setup

  1. Download Scrivener from the Literature & Latte website.
  2. Install the software on your computer.
  3. Open Scrivener and choose "Blank" under the Fiction category to start a new project.

Familiarize Yourself with the Interface

  • Binder: On the left, where you organize your manuscript.
  • Editor: In the center, where you write.
  • Inspector: On the right, for notes and metadata (you may need to enable this view).

2. Organizing Your Book

Then, start formation.

Creating Chapters and Scenes

  1. In the Binder, right-click on "Manuscript."
  2. Select "Add" > "New Folder" for chapters.
  3. Right-click on your chapter folder and select "Add" > "New Text" for scenes.

Using the Corkboard

  1. Click on a folder in the Binder.
  2. Select the Corkboard view (icon looks like a corkboard).
  3. Add index cards for each scene or chapter to visually organize your book.

3. Writing Your Book

You can either upload a written book or write directly in the platform, which will help you with some writing habits.

Setting Writing Targets

  1. Go to "Project" > "Show Project Targets."
  2. Set your manuscript target (total word count).
  3. Set session targets (daily word count goals).

Using Full-Screen Mode

  1. Click "View" > "Enter Full Screen" or use the shortcut (Cmd+F11 on Mac, F11 on Windows).
  2. Focus on writing without distractions.

4. Research and Notes

Keep tabs on your writing research directly in the platform.

Using the Research Folder

  1. In the Binder, find the "Research" folder.
  2. Add documents, images, or web pages related to your book.

Creating Character and Setting Sketches

  1. Right-click on the "Characters" or "Places" folder in the Binder.
  2. Select "Add" > "New Text."
  3. Use the document to detail your character or setting.

5. Revising and Editing

You can do all of the updates and edits to your work in Scrivener.

Using Labels and Status

  1. Click on a document in the Binder.
  2. In the Inspector, set Labels (e.g., "First Draft," "Needs Review") and Status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress").

Tracking Changes

  1. Go to "Edit" > "Track Changes" > "Turn Track Changes On."
  2. Make revisions with visible markups.

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6. Compiling Your Manuscript

Assembly can happen in Scrivener as well.

Basic Compilation

  1. Click "File" > "Compile."
  2. Choose your output format (e.g., PDF, Word, Ebook).
  3. Select compilation options (e.g., include front matter, chapter titles).
  4. Click "Compile" to create your final document.

7. Tips for Effective Use

  • Regular Backups: Use "File" > "Back Up" > "Back Up Now" frequently.
  • Snapshots: Before major revisions, take a Snapshot (Documents > Snapshots > Take Snapshot).
  • Collections: Use Collections to group related documents across your project.
  • Split Screen: Use "View" > "Editor Layout" > "Split Horizontally/Vertically" to view two documents simultaneously.

8. Additional Features to Explore

  • Name Generator: Useful for creating character names.
  • Linguistic Focus: Highlights different parts of speech to help with editing.
  • Scrivenings Mode: Allows you to view multiple documents as one continuous text.

Scrivener as a Start

Scrivener offers many more features than covered in this guide, but these basics will get you started on writing your book. As you become more comfortable with the software, explore its additional capabilities to further enhance your writing process.

Remember, the key to mastering Scrivener is to start with the basics and gradually incorporate more advanced features as you need them. Don't let the learning curve discourage you – the organizational and productivity benefits are well worth the effort!

Happy writing!

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