Get strategic about search, ranking factors, and digital marketing initiatives that put organic first.


Monthly knowledge drop - what you need to know about Google updates and more.

Bing's AI Search update balances AI answers and organic results, preserving website traffic and user engagement.

2 min read

Bing AI Search: A Win for Site Owners and SEOs

Bing's latest update to its AI Search functionality comes as a breath of fresh air. The new layout, currently being rolled out to a small percentage of user queries, promises to maintain website clicks while offering users enhanced search...

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OpenAI launches SearchGPT: AI-powered search with direct answers, citations, and publisher controls.

2 min read

OpenAI Launches SearchGPT: AI-Powered Search Prototype

In a bold move that could reshape the landscape of online search, OpenAI has unveiled SearchGPT, an innovative AI-powered search prototype. This new...

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Navigate the 2024 holiday rush with expert SEO and PPC strategies for a shortened 27-day shopping season.

2 min read

Prep for the 2024 Shopping Season (Now)

Picture this: It's November 28, 2024. Thanksgiving leftovers are barely cold, and suddenly, the holiday shopping frenzy begins. But this year, it's...

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Learn 7 key strategies to dominate AI-powered search and maximize your brand's digital market share.

5 min read

Earn AI-Powered Search Market Share

In this new age of AI-driven search, it's essential to move away from siloed marketing strategies and realign to future-proof your position in the...

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Set and manage your e-commerce shipping and return policies directly in Google Search Console settings.

1 min read

Google Search Console Now Supports Setting Shipping and Return Policies

Google has introduced a new feature in Google Search Console that allows you to set and manage your shipping and return policies directly. This new...

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Google AI Overviews Only Show for 7% of Queries

1 min read

Google AI Overviews Only Show for 7% of Queries

Google's AI Overviews, part of its Search Generative Experience (SGE), now appear in less than 7% of search queries, marking a significant drop. This...

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Google devalues SEO-controlled markup, advising digital marketers to focus on improving content quality over authorship.

1 min read

Google Says These Are Not Good Signals

In a recent interview, Google's Gary Illyes provided insights into why the company trusts less in signals directly controlled by site owners and...

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Master generative engine optimization to keep your content AI-ready and engaging for human readers.

2 min read

Generative Search & Generative Engine Optimization

Generative search uses artificial intelligence (AI) to compile unique, coherent responses to user queries by pulling information from multiple...

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The Ultimate Guide to Medspa SEO

7 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Medspa SEO

A strong online presence is crucial for any business, and medical spas are no exception. With the increasing competition in the aesthetics industry,...

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Commentary on Rand Fishkin's research on Google's AI overviews and the decline in mobile search volume.

2 min read

Rand Fishkin's Research on Google's AI Overviews and Mobile Search Decline

In a recent study, Rand Fishkin revealed significant insights into how Google's AI overviews have impacted mobile search volumes. According to...

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Google's Gary Illyes explains reasons for crawled but not indexed errors and how to fix them.

2 min read

Google Explains Reasons for Crawled but Not Indexed Errors

Google's Gary Illyes recently provided insights into the dreaded "crawled but not indexed" errors during an interview at the SERP Conf 2024...

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Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results - Reverting to pagination for improved speed.

2 min read

Google Infinite Scroll - What Does the Sunset Mean?

Google has announced the end of continuous scrolling in search results, a move that is raising eyebrows in the search marketing community. This shift...

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 Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results - Reverting to pagination for improved speed.

1 min read

Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results

Google has announced the discontinuation of its continuous scroll feature in search results, reverting to the traditional pagination system. This...

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1 min read

Google Analytics Adds User Conversion Rate Metrics

Google has updated its popular Google Analytics platform with two new metrics for measuring user conversions. The new “User Key Event Rate” and...

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youtube annotation

1 min read

YouTube Tests Crowdsourced Annotations for Videos

YouTube is experimenting with a new feature that allows creators and viewers to add context notes to videos, aiming to enhance the accuracy of...

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google gemini

3 min read

Google I/O 2024: Unveiling the Future of AI with Gemini

Google I/O 2024 kicked off with a dynamic and futuristic keynote that highlighted Google's unwavering commitment to artificial intelligence (AI)....

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Vintage headphones in cubism style.

4 min read

Podcast SEO: 5 Strategies to Boost Your Rankings

In recent years, podcasts have experienced a surge in popularity, with millions of shows now available across various platforms like Spotify, Apple...

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Birds flying in the sky in cubism style.

5 min read

Navigate the Complexities of International Website Migrations

Website migrations are among the most complex and challenging projects businesses can undertake, particularly for those operating internationally....

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A man's face in cubism style.

5 min read

E-E-A-T: The Evolution of SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) constantly changes. That’s why it’s so important for businesses and websites to stay ahead of the curve if they want...

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An early 2000s-era computer in cubism style.

4 min read

15 Google Chrome Extensions for SEO You Need to Check Out

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving field that requires professionals to stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and techniques....

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A pyramid in cubism style.

3 min read

The Truth About Backlink Pyramids

Website owners and marketers constantly seek strategies to raise their rankings and drive more organic traffic. One such tactic that has gained...

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Horse jockeys during a race in cubism style.

3 min read

Optimize Website Performance: Testing with Google Lighthouse

As an SEO or digital marketer, you get the importance of page speed. You understand its impact on user experience and search engine rankings. You...

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A robot with a magnifying glass in cubism style.

4 min read

SEO: Maintain and Optimize Your Website's Search Presence

As a website owner or manager, you've likely invested time and resources into establishing your site's presence on Google. However, the work doesn't...

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A robot reading a book in cubism style.

4 min read

How Linguistics and AI are Reshaping SEO and User Experience

The role of language and emotional intelligence in shaping user experiences has never been more critical. As tech giants like Google, Amazon, Apple,...

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A detective in a trench coat and hat in cubism style.

4 min read

What You Need to Know About SEO Monitoring

In the world of SEO, data reigns supreme. With websites comprising thousands of subpages, keywords, internal links, and external links from countless...

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Colorful squares and lines in cubism style.

4 min read

Unify and Analyze Analytics Data

Data matters. To truly understand the impact of your optimization efforts, it's essential to go beyond crawl data and venture into user behavior. By...

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A person's face in cubism style.

5 min read

CSS Units: A Guide for Web Designers and Developers

Establishing effective communication between designers and developers can be hard. A common language emerged in the form of CSS units to bridge the...

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A shelf of books in cubism style.

3 min read

Semantic SEO: The Power of Context in Search Engine Optimization

Semantic SEO is a new approach that has emerged that promises to revolutionize how websites are ranked and discovered.

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A magnifying glass in cubism style.

5 min read

On-Page SEO and Website Visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key for any website's success in the vast and ever-evolving digital marketing landscape. While many people...

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Two businessmen shaking hands in cubism style.

3 min read

The Art of Collaboration: Developers and SEOs

In the complex world of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving online success. However, SEO is not a...

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A lot of desktop computers piled onto one another in cubism style.

7 min read

Time to First Byte: The Metric You Can't Afford to Ignore

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, every millisecond counts. As website owners, tech SEOs, and developers, we constantly strive to...

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Color filing boxes stacked against a blue wall in cubism style.

6 min read

Log File Analysis: Let’s Talk About It

In the complex world of SEO, every piece of data matters. From keyword research to backlink analysis, we constantly seek insights to help us optimize...

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Two robots getting ready to play rock-paper-scissors in cubism style.

2 min read

404 vs. 410: Is It Worth Debating?

In the world of SEO, specific topics seem to persist through the ages, popping up every few years like clockwork. One such topic is the debate over...

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A robot made up of different parts in cubism style.

2 min read

The Google March 2024 Core Update: Uncharted SEO Territory

As SEOs, we're no strangers to the ever-shifting landscape of search. Google's algorithm updates keep us on our toes, forcing us to adapt and evolve...

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A group of birds mid-flight in cubism style.

4 min read

The Importance of Non-HTML Assets in SEO Migrations

Regarding website migrations, most SEOs focus their attention on the HTML content. After all, search engines primarily use the text on the page to...

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Color overlapping geometric shapes in cubism style.

4 min read

How to Boost Your Chances of Getting into the Google Knowledge Graph

Google's search engine has come a long way since its early days of simple keyword matching. With Knowledge Graph, Google now possesses a much deeper...

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An auditor looking at a business in cubism style.

3 min read

Website Optimization: Elevate Your Online Presence Through Site Audits

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, your website is a critical gateway to your brand's success, serving as a virtual storefront and a powerful...

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A person coding a website in cubism style.

4 min read

CSS Container Queries: Revolutionize Responsive Web Design

Staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving web development landscape is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. As technology advances and user...

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A colorful image of a businessman sitting at a desk in cubism style.

3 min read

Bridge the Gap: Developer's Role in Technical SEO

As a developer, you've likely encountered situations where marketing or SEO (search engine optimization) professionals approach you with concerns...

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Colorful robot writing search results in cubism style.

3 min read

Testing Begins: AI Overviews Integrated into Google Search Interface

Google is conducting trials involving AI overviews directly within the primary Google Search results. This initiative is being rolled out to certain...

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Two robots standing together in Cubism style.

3 min read

Navigate the Transition from SEM to SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

Transitioning into a new role, whether within the same company or elsewhere, can be an intimidating prospect. Amidst these transitions, professionals...

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spammy backlinks

1 min read

Understanding the Impact of Spammy Backlinks

John Mueller from Google recently shed light on the topic of spammy backlinks and their influence on search engine rankings, providing valuable...

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2 min read

Google's March 2024 Core Update:

In March 2024, Google launched a significant Core Update, focusing on the enhancement of search result quality and the implementation of stricter...

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Groups of papers with information on them in cubism style.

4 min read

Improve Website Competitiveness: The Power of SEO Topic Clusters

In the dynamic world of online marketing, search engine optimizers wield a potent tool: the SEO topic cluster. With meticulous attention to detail...

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A cubism-style image of a man.

3 min read

Unlock the Potential: AI and NLP's Impact on SEO Strategies

In the fast-paced digital landscape, modern websites are at the mercy of constantly evolving algorithms dictating the content displayed in search...

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Cubism-style image of detective looking for something.

3 min read

Unlock Your SEO Potential: SEO Taxonomy Essentials

Search engine optimization (SEO) taxonomy is vital when it comes to website visibility. It’s intricately involved in organizing and categorizing a...

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linguistics and seo for better content

2 min read

Linguistics and SEO: The Importance of Using Both

Effective search engine optimization (SEO) is based on many factors. Taking a linguistic perspective is a smart, accurate way to plan your SEO...

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Two People in a cubist style

2 min read

Website Conversion Rates by Industry

A website’s conversion rate represents the percentage of users that complete a desired action compared to the total website visitors. Depending on...

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google human language

2 min read

How Does Google Search Understand Human Language?

Billions of searches are conducted every day. Google stands as the unrivaled gatekeeper to a wealth of information. Have you ever wondered how this...

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blog design

2 min read

Search-Friendly Blog Design

Blog design plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining readers while influencing conversion rates. With millions of blog posts published each...

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blog seo

3 min read

Understanding Blog SEO

Blog SEO, or Blog Search Engine Optimization, refers to the practice of optimizing various aspects of a blog to improve its visibility and ranking on...

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1 min read

Understanding YMYL Websites and Google's Scrutiny

Google doesn't apply a uniform standard across all sites.

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user behavior SEO success

1 min read

Understanding User Behavior Metrics for SEO Success

User behavior is a critical aspect of SEO that involves tracking and analyzing visitors' actions on a website before and during their visit. This...

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1 min read

Understanding SEO Fundamentals: What is Crawlability?

Are you striving to outperform your competitors in the digital realm?

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search intent user behavior

2 min read

Understanding Search Intent and Its Impact on User Behavior

Search intent, often called user intent, determines how users interact with search engines and the content they find.

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content intelligence

2 min read

Understanding Content Intelligence

Content intelligence involves harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning through software to gain insights into the performance of...

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bot traffic

5 min read

Understanding Bot Traffic: Its Significance and Implications

Bots have become an indispensable part of the modern digital landscape. They assist us in ordering groceries, playing music on Slack channels, and...

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1 min read

The SEM Career Playbook: Progression from Junior to Leadership Roles

Search engine marketing (SEM) offers diverse career paths as professionals grow from junior to senior positions. Here's an overview of key roles,...

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evergreen content

3 min read

The Art of Evergreen Content and Its Benefits

Evergreen content is the cornerstone of enduring relevance in the digital landscape. It possesses the unique quality of remaining consistently...

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content and search intent

2 min read

Matching Content to Search Intent

Aligning your content with user search intent is crucial for SEO success. To achieve this, you must undertake a series of strategic steps, starting...

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quality google search

1 min read

Quality Impacts Almost All Aspects of Google Search

The latest episode of Google's Search Off the Record podcast provides fascinating insights into how quality plays a crucial role across Search. From...

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site name in search results

1 min read

Optimizing Your Site Name in Search Results

Having your website display properly in search engine results pages (SERPs) is crucial for shaping perceptions and driving user clicks. An upcoming...

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4 min read

Natural Language Processing for Enhanced Content Marketing

Natural language processing (NLP) and its symbiotic relationship with machine learning can significantly elevate your content marketing endeavors....

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dall-e 3

1 min read

Microsoft Upgrades Bing Chat With OpenAI's DALL-E 3

Microsoft recently rolled out OpenAI's latest text-to-image model, DALL-E 3, to all Bing users for free. The advanced AI generator is now available...

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seo competitor analysis

2 min read

Mastering SEO Competitor Analysis: Unveiling Your Path to Success

Navigating the intricate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world can be daunting, especially when competing against established rivals.

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4 min read

How to use rel=canonical

A canonical URL is a way to inform search engines that certain similar URLs are, in fact, the same.

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2 min read

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Shaping the Future of SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming integral to our daily lives, from managing our schedules to robotic vacuums tidying our homes. Now, AI is...

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content pillars

4 min read

High-Performing Content Pillars

Are you considering a content pillar strategy for your marketing efforts? Well, you've come to the right place. This guide will explore successful...

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google helpful content update

2 min read

Google's Helpful Content Update: E-Commerce Impacts

Is your e-commerce site feeling the impact of Google's latest helpful content update? Learn how to assess, adapt, and recover with these essential...

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google's video thumbnail changes impact on serp and ctr

2 min read

Google's Video Thumbnail Changes: Impact on SERPs and Click-Through Rates

On April 13, Google announced a change to how video thumbnails would be presented in the search results. Until now, a listing could receive a video...

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mastering xml sitemaps seo insights

1 min read

Mastering XML Sitemaps: 8 SEO Insights and Recommendations

Understanding XML sitemaps is paramount for SEO success, especially for larger, intricate websites. This quick guide will explore vital facts, tips,...

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3XX Redirects in XML Sitemaps

2 min read

Understanding the Significance of 3XX Redirects in XML Sitemaps

When it comes to SEO, your XML Sitemap plays a crucial role in guiding search engines through your website's structure. However, a critical aspect...

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google optimize

1 min read

Google Optimize Shutting Down

Google retired Google Optimize on September 30, 2022. Marketers have had to transition A/B testing activities to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) going...

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google extended

1 min read

Google-Extended Lets Publishers Control AI Training Data Access

As AI like Bard and Vertex AI expand, Google unveiled a new control called Google-Extended to let web publishers manage site content contribution to...

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google discover traffic

1 min read

Google Discover Traffic: Why It Fluctuates and Can't Be Relied On

Google recently updated its documentation on Google Discover, clarifying why websites may experience significant fluctuations or losses in traffic...

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ai and teens

1 min read

Google Brings New AI Search Experience to U.S. Teens

Google recently announced plans to extend its AI-powered search feature, Search Generative Experience (SGE), to U.S. teenagers aged 13-17. This comes...

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anchor text

1 min read

Get Anchor Text Recommendations From ChatGPT

The efficacy of both backlinks and internal links is contingent on the anchor text's strength, which constitutes a hyperlink's clickable portion.

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experimental optimization

2 min read

Enhancing SERP Listings through Experimental Optimization

The conventional method for improving Search Engine Results Page (SERP) listings often involves adhering to a set of established best practices....

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keyword generator

3 min read

Create a Custom Niche Keyword Generator

What is a niche keyword generator?

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Cubism-style image of many computers streaming out from a central point, representing dangerous user data leaks.

3 min read

How SEOs Can Detect and Address Dangerous User Data Leaks

Personally identifiable information (PII) exposed online poses severe privacy and security risks to individuals. As search visibility experts, SEOs...

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Cubism-style face, looks part human, part robot.

3 min read

Privacy Concerns Over Bard Chat Transcripts

Users discovered transcripts of conversations with Google's new AI chatbot Bard indexing in search results. Google says this was unintentional and...

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In cubism style, bulk emails float around a computer.

2 min read

Gmail Tightens Rules for Bulk Email Senders: What Marketers Must Know

In the age of the internet, things change fast. It’s inevitable – especially when it comes to big companies like Google. That’s why it’s so important...

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Balls bouncing around in cubism style.

3 min read

Navigating Google's Content Update: A Guide for Ecommerce & Tech

Google's September 2023 core update shook many ecommerce and tech sites to their core. Traffic and rankings dropped sharply, leaving businesses...

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A robot in cubism style.

2 min read

Empowering Web Publishers: Google-Extended Control for AI Models

Welcome to the era of Google-Extended—a game-changer for web publishers navigating the complex landscape of AI and content control.

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YMYL SEO Strategies and Best Practices

4 min read

Unlocking the Power of YMYL SEO: Strategies and Best Practices

Google's continuous updates, particularly regarding YMYL (Your Money Your Life) websites and the E-A-T principle (Expertise, Authoritativeness,...

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A small town in cubism style.

5 min read

Explore Funnels and Paths in GA4

In the transition from Universal Analytics to GA4 (Google Analytics 4), how we track and analyze user journeys has evolved significantly.

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Dark-haired woman in cubism art style.

3 min read

Create A Custom Niche Keyword Generator

If you specialize in one or just a few industries, you likely strive to enhance your SEO skills for better efficiency and higher-quality results....

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Feminine face in cubism style.

5 min read

Decoding HTTP Status Codes and Their Significance in SEO

HTTP status codes might not be meaningful to the average website visitor but are king in SEO. Search engine crawlers, like Googlebot, rely on these...

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google perspectives

3 min read

Unveiling Google's Perspectives Filter and Carousel: A Mobile SERP Game Changer

On June 10, 2023, Google introduced the highly anticipated Perspectives feature within its mobile search results, a development initially teased at...

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google patent

2 min read

Google's Potential for On-Demand Machine Learning Models in Search Predictions

Google is continually pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

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news syndication

3 min read

Guard Your SEO: Are News Syndication Partners Hijacking Your Traffic?

In today's fiercely competitive digital marketing landscape, amplifying your brand's voice is crucial. Paid news content syndication partners promise...

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google trained generative model

2 min read

Google's Trained Generative Model and Query Variants in Search

A Google patent was published on May 30, 2023, titled "Generating Query Variants Using A Trained Generative Model."

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bing webmaster

3 min read

Bing Webmaster Tools: Unveiling the Content Quality Flag

When exploring the world of search engine optimization, keeping tabs on search engines' evolving features and tools is crucial. Recently,Bing...

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A picture of shapes, cubism style.

2 min read

Impact of Plural Keywords on Search Intent and Google's Differential Ranking of Singular and Plural Keywords

John Mueller of Google recently addressed a query regarding the differing ranking of web pages for singular and plural versions of keywords. The...

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The people at a table, cubism style.

2 min read

Beyond the Blog: 3 Types of B2B Content

According to Salesforce, B2B (business-to-business) marketing is the technique businesses use to generate leads from other companies. Therefore, B2B...

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ChatGPT interpreted as a human in the cubism art style.

4 min read

ChatGPT for SEO

Is the advent of ChatGPT spelling the demise of SEO? Not at all. When harnessed correctly, it can significantly simplify your SEO tasks.

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A woman in a hat that's ready to learn about SEO and site structure, portrayed in the cubism art style.

3 min read

SEO and Site Structure

Site structure is a critical aspect of web design. Not only is it a client's first impression of you and your brand, but it also matters to ensure...

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Colorful robot in a cubism art style.

3 min read

Could Intelligence Augmentation Supercharge Your Business?

Intelligence Augmentation (IA) blends the computational might of computers with the discernment of human Intelligence.

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10 blue links

2 min read

The Fate of "10 Blue Links" in Search

The debate surrounding the existence of "10 blue links" on search engine results pages (SERPs) continues to stir discussions and diverse opinions...

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