Joy Youell

Joy Youell is a content strategist and writer.

Explore metaphors vs. similes: Powerful literary tools with examples from classic literature. Elevate your writing.

7 min read

Metaphor vs. Simile: Mastering the Art of Figurative Language

Among the most powerful tools in a writer's arsenal are metaphors and similes. While these two literary devices share similarities, understanding their differences can help you use them more effectively in your writing. Let's dive deep into the...

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Master storytelling with 5 key elements, illustrated through J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

7 min read

5 Elements of Storytelling

Have you ever found yourself questioning your storytelling skills? We've all experienced that nagging doubt, that sinking feeling in our stomach when...

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The Petal Structure

5 min read

The Petal Structure: A Guide for Storytelling Writers

The petal structure, or the daisy structure or radial narrative, is a sophisticated storytelling technique that offers writers a unique way to weave...

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2 min read

Storytelling in Academic Writing: Structure, Tools, and Techniques

Writing academically can often feel like a dry and arduous task, especially when striving to engage readers with complex ideas and research findings....

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Stories for Different Aged Audiences

5 min read

Stories for Different Aged Audiences

The best and most relatable stories fit the audience. This creates intimacy, a byproduct of familiarity.

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And Then One Day…

2 min read

And Then One Day…

The term storytelling is bandied about under a thinly veiled attempt to make brands seem human. It’s often inaccurately associated with the task of...

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How Storytelling Marketing Works

3 min read

How Storytelling Marketing Works

Once upon a time you bought a pack of gum so someone would kiss you. True? Maybe not that exactly. Maybe you bought a brand of lettuce because you...

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