Let's tell some tall tales.


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Learn how to write a character's embarrassment with physical cues, emotions, behaviors, and growth tips.

2 min read

Writing a Character's Embarrassment

Portraying a character's embarrassment authentically can add depth and relatability to your storytelling. Here's a guide to help you effectively...

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The Emotion of Disappointment

1 min read

The Emotion of Disappointment

Capturing the emotion of disappointment in a character requires understanding its complex nature and varied expressions. Here’s how you can...

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Sidestep common missteps in conveying character emotion to craft an opening that grips readers from the start.

3 min read

3 Emotion Problems to Avoid in Your Story Opening

As writers, we know that the opening pages of a story are crucial - they're often the only chance we have to captivate readers and make them...

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man crying impressionism style

5 min read

The Psychology of Reader Empathy

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a powerful human trait that transcends cultural boundaries. In the realm of...

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