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Psycholinguistics provides writers with a deeper understanding of how humans process and produce language.

4 min read

Psycholinguistics in Dialogue: Crafting Authentic Speech Patterns

Crafting authentic dialogue in writing is an art that requires more than just a good ear for how people speak. Psycholinguistics, the study of the...

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These five authors demonstrate how tone can be a powerful tool in a writer's arsenal.

2 min read

Types of Tone: Exploring Distinct Writing Styles

Tone in writing is the attitude or emotional character that the author conveys through their words. It's a crucial element that can dramatically...

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Cliffhangers are a potent tool in a writer's arsenal, capable of keeping audiences invested across episodes, sequels, or chapters.

1 min read

Cliffhangers: Hooking Your Audience with Suspense

Cliffhangers are powerful narrative devices that leave audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating what comes next. Whether you're...

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Naivety is a powerful tool in storytelling, allowing characters to serve as entry points for the audience or to illustrate the harsh lessons that accompany experience and growth.

5 min read

Define Naïve

Naivety is often perceived as a lack of experience or worldly wisdom, characterized by a certain innocence, credulity, or childlike simplicity. In...

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Remember that every published author started somewhere, and many wrote their first novels while balancing other responsibilities.

3 min read

How to Draft a Novel

Writing a novel while juggling a full-time job can seem daunting, but with the right strategies and dedication, it's entirely achievable. This guide...

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Selective perception is a powerful tool in storytelling, allowing authors to control the flow of information, create tension, and develop characters in intricate ways.

4 min read

Selective Perception as a Storytelling Tool

In storytelling, the concept of selective perception can play a pivotal role in shaping how readers interpret characters, plot points, and the...

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Choose wisely. Be consistent. And don’t tear the fabric of the space-time continuum.

2 min read

Make Sense of Verb Tense

Verb tense affects the narrative distance. This article is on verb tense and how that affects the viewpoint choices we make.

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Discover how the Major Dramatic Question can transform your novel into a gripping, unforgettable story.

3 min read

The Major Dramatic Question: The Backbone of Your Novel

As a novelist, crafting a compelling story that keeps readers engaged from start to finish is your ultimate goal. One of the most powerful tools at...

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2 min read

Mastering Subplots in Your Novel: Tips and Techniques

If you’re writing a novel, you likely have a solid grasp of your main narrative arc. However, incorporating subplots can be crucial to make your...

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An architect sitting at a table, designing a building in an impressionist oil painting style.

5 min read

The Architecture of Narrative: Story Planning

In the vast landscape of the writing world, there are many paths to the summit of a completed novel. Some writers prefer the winding, serendipitous...

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A man visibly sad, holding his head in his hand in an impressionist oil painting style.

5 min read

How to Write Impactful Character Deaths in Fiction

In the realm of storytelling, death is a constant companion. It stalks the battlefields and hospital wards, lurks in the shadows of dark alleys and...

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A person looking into a dark room in an impressionist oil painting style.

5 min read

The Descent into Darkness: Crafting Negative Character Arcs

The Challenge and the RewardIn storytelling, the protagonist's journey often takes center stage. Readers watch, transfixed, as characters navigate...

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One person calling out to another person in the distance in an impressionist oil painting style.

4 min read

Echoes of the Past: Crafting Character Through Backstory

In the tapestry of a character's life, the threads of the past often weave the richest patterns. These threads, these echoes of a life lived before...

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Two people arguing in an impressionist oil painting style.

3 min read

Character Flaws That Fuel Conflict

In our zeal to create characters that captivate and inspire, we often fall prey to the temptation of the flawless, the allure of the immaculate. We...

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A teenager reading while sitting in a window sill in an impressionist oil painting style.

4 min read

What Goes into Writing Static Character Arcs?

The protagonist's journey often takes center stage. We watch, transfixed, as they navigate the twists and turns of the plot, their inner landscape...

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A character looking in a mirror in an impressionist oil painting style.

3 min read

The Labyrinth of the Soul: Characters And Internal Conflict

In the realm of fiction, conflict reigns supreme. It is the engine that drives the narrative, the spark that ignites the reader's imagination. While...

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A character looking at a ghost in an impressionist oil painting style.

4 min read

The Ghost: Crafting Character Through Emotional Wounds

In the tapestry of a character's life, the threads of the past often weave the most intricate patterns. These threads, these echoes of old pains and...

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A woman singing into a microphone in an impressionist oil painting style.

3 min read

How to Give Your Characters a Unique Voice

In the realm of fiction, character reigns supreme. Readers experience the triumphs and tragedies, the loves and losses, the grand adventures and...

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A woman sitting on a bench with her back to the audience in an impressionist oil painting style.

3 min read

Capturing a Complex Protagonist

The craft of creating a protagonist—of birthing a character vivid and fully formed enough to arrest a reader's attention and haunt their...

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Two men wearing suits, sitting at a table in a crowded pub, in an impressionist oil painting style.

3 min read

A Writer’s Guide to Crafting Bone-Chilling Villains

Villains are the dark heartbeats that pulse through stories, captivating readers with their sinister allure. From Emperor Palpatine to Lord...

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A man in the distance walking down a tree-lined road with his back toward the audience in an impressionist oil painting style.

4 min read

Explore Antagonists in Fiction: Beyond the Classic Villain

Conflict is the cornerstone of storytelling, but villains aren't always mustache-twirling adversaries. Let's delve into the diverse array of...

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3 min read

Sidekicks: Add a Kick of Flavor to Your Main Character’s Journey

The significance of a well-crafted sidekick in storytelling cannot be overstated. These characters, whether the best friend, sassy co-worker, or...

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2 min read

Dialogue in Fiction

Have you ever been engrossed in a captivating story only to be let down by lackluster dialogue? Perhaps the characters all seemed to sound the same,...

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2 min read

Embracing Your Antagonist: The Heart of a Documentary

Crafting a compelling story in documentary filmmaking or fiction is akin to constructing a delicate and intricate mechanism.

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theme versus agenda

1 min read

Discovering the Essence of Your Story: Theme vs. Agenda

Understanding the core of your story is a crucial endeavor that delves deep into the heart of human nature and our shared civilization.

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1 min read

Crafting Dialogue in Stories: A Deeper Understanding

Dialogue breathes life into stories, yet it significantly diverges from real spoken language. While it imparts vital information essential for...

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narrative perspective

5 min read

Choosing the Right Narrative Perspective

Few elements can swiftly transform a story as much as altering the narrative perspective from which it unfolds.

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character motivation

1 min read

Character Motivation: Wants and Needs

Characters are individuals who want something, and these desires can be categorized into two distinct types: the character's intrinsic wish...

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character agency

3 min read

Character Agency: Why It's Vital in Fiction

The concept of "character agency" in fiction revolves around a character's ability to take action and influence the events within a story. It plays a...

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Young woman being followed by two people in a Victorian-era impressionistic art style.

2 min read

Explore the Enigmatic: Craft an Antihero Readers Will Embrace

Have you ever found yourself rooting for a character who seems to revel in their own flaws and questionable choices? Welcome to the world of...

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classic chinese literature

3 min read

Classic Chinese Literature: A Must-Read List

Chinese literature is a treasure trove of beautifully crafted stories and tomes. Especially if you are a western-born writer, it's imperative to read...

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fish out of water

2 min read

The Three Most Important People in Your Story

In today's blog post, we're diving deep into the insights shared in a captivating video titled "Story Development: The Three Most Important People in...

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writing slow

2 min read

Writing Slow

In our current era, speed is often celebrated above all else. The internet's emergence has accelerated our lives, turning processes that once took...

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character secrets

2 min read

Unveiling Character Secrets: What Lies Beyond the Surface

Characters in stories often harbor secrets, hidden facets of their lives or knowledge that can shape the narrative in profound ways.

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supporting character

1 min read

Crafting Beloved Supporting Characters

Are you in the midst of writing a novel and finding that while your main character is fully fleshed out, your supporting characters still need some...

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novel word count

3 min read

Word Counts for Different Novel Genres

Determining the ideal word count for your novel is a crucial aspect of writing. While your plot, characters, and premise are vital, the question of...

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woman breaking through a wall impressionism style

3 min read

Metafiction and Breaking the Fourth Wall

Metafiction, a literary device that transcends the boundaries of traditional storytelling, offers readers a unique and thought-provoking experience....

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woodland creatures impressionism style

2 min read

Writing Stories from the Perspective of Misunderstood Animals

Stories have the power to transcend boundaries, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the lives of characters from different worlds. One captivating...

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woman reading a book impressionist style

2 min read

Captivating Openings: Tips for Crafting Intriguing First Lines in Your Stories

In storytelling, the first line holds unparalleled power. It is the gateway that entices readers to step into the world you have crafted and sets the...

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