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What People want: Concrete Language From Chatbots

What People want: Concrete Language From Chatbots

Chatbots have become a ubiquitous presence in customer service, aiding businesses in providing instant support and information to their clientele.

However, the effectiveness of these chatbots hinges not only on their functionality but also on the language they employ.

Recent research highlights the significance of chatbot language concreteness—the use of specific and detailed words—in improving customer satisfaction, willingness to engage with chatbots, and perceived shopping efficiency.

The Role of Concrete Language in Chatbot Interactions

In a study focusing on the language concreteness of chatbots, researchers shed light on how the specificity of words used in interactions can shape the customer experience.

They identified three critical communication phases—opening, query/response, and closing—where the introduction of concrete language can significantly influence consumers' perceptions of chatbot competence and overall satisfaction.

1. Opening Phase

Imagine initiating a chat with a chatbot, and instead of a generic greeting, you are welcomed with, "Hello, I'm Oscar, the chatbot of X brand."

This introduction immediately establishes a tangible connection between the user and the chatbot. It humanizes the interaction, making it feel more personal and competent.

2. Query/Response Phase

Providing users with specific options, such as, "Can I help you with bookings, requests, or services?" empowers them to navigate the interaction efficiently.

Concrete language ensures that the user's needs are addressed promptly, enhancing their satisfaction.

3. Closing Phase

As the conversation concludes, a chatbot that concretely summarizes its assistance leaves a lasting positive impression. For instance, "You're welcome. Thank you for your booking; see you next Friday," offers a tangible resolution, reinforcing the value of the interaction.

The Impact on Customer Experience

To illustrate the significance of concrete language in chatbot interactions, consider two scenarios:

Scenario 1: Generic Language

User: "Hi, I need help booking a flight."

Chatbot: "How can I assist you today?" User: "I'd like to book a flight for next week." Chatbot: "Great, please provide me with the details."

Scenario 2: Concrete Language

User: "Hi, I need help booking a flight." Chatbot: "Hello, I'm Oscar, the chatbot of X brand. Can I help you with bookings, requests, or services?"

User: "I'd like to book a flight for next week." Chatbot: "Certainly, I can assist you with that. Thank you for choosing our service. Your booking is confirmed for next Friday."

In Scenario 2, the use of concrete language at each phase of the conversation enhances the user's perception of the chatbot's competence and elevates their overall satisfaction.

It also reinforces the chatbot's role in streamlining the shopping process.

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Practical Implications for Businesses

Businesses looking to optimize their chatbot interactions can derive several practical insights from this research:

  1. Prioritize Language Concreteness: Ensure that your chatbot employs specific and detailed language, especially in the opening, query/response, and closing phases.

  2. Personalization Matters: Introduce your chatbot with a personalized greeting, enhancing the user's sense of connection.

  3. Empower Users: Provide users with concrete options to guide them effectively through their queries or requests.

  4. Positive Closure: Conclude interactions with a concrete summary or resolution, leaving users with a positive impression.

Concrete Language From Chatbots = Clarity for Customers

The language concreteness of chatbots has a profound impact on customer satisfaction, willingness to engage, and perceived efficiency.

By implementing these findings and prioritizing concrete language in chatbot interactions, businesses can enhance their customer service and create more meaningful and satisfactory user experiences.

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