Tips for Beating Creative Resistance
It's time to talk about the elephant in the room, the one thing holding you back from unleashing your inner creative genius: resistance.
Alright, folks, listen up! If you've got something important to say and want to make a splash in the opinion pages, it's time to learn how to write a killer op-ed. An op-ed is your chance to take a stand, make a case, and persuade readers to see things your way.
But before you start pounding away at the keyboard, there are a few things you need to know.
First and foremost, an op-ed is not an essay. It's not a novel. No, an op-ed is a full-frontal assault on a hot topic of the day. You state your conclusion right up front in the first paragraph and then spend the rest of the piece making your argument and backing it up with facts.
Ready for the keys to op-ed success? Keep reading!
The key to a successful op-ed is focus. You've got to zero in on one issue or idea and make it the centerpiece of your piece. Don't tackle too much, or you'll lose your readers faster than a politician breaking a campaign promise.
Timing is also crucial. If you're responding to current events, you need to strike while the iron is hot. You've got days, not weeks, to get your opinion out there before the news cycle moves on and your piece becomes yesterday's news.
Once you've mastered your focus and timing, it's time to make your case. Express your opinion clearly and boldly, but make sure you back it up with facts, research, or first-hand experience. Don't just spout off without backing it up.
Be controversial but not outrageous. You want to be the voice of reason, not the raving lunatic on the street corner. And don't be afraid to get personal and conversational. Readers want to feel like they're engaging with a real person, not a stuffed shirt.
Humor’s a great tool, too, if your topic lends itself to it. A well-placed ironic jab can make your point better than a dry recitation of facts.
Now, let's talk about the nuts and bolts of writing an op-ed. You want to have a clear editorial viewpoint and come down hard on one side of the issue. Don't waffle or equivocate. Take a stand and stick to it.
Your job is to provide insight and understanding, to educate your reader without being preachy. And near the end, make sure you clearly re-state your position and issue a call to action. Don't just leave your readers hanging.
When it comes to language, use clear, powerful, direct words. Emphasize active verbs and forget about adjectives and adverbs, which only weaken your writing. Avoid clichés and jargon like the plague.
Your goal is to appeal to the average reader, so clarity is key. Write 750 double-spaced words or less for newspapers, but feel free to go longer for your blog. Just remember, shorter is always better.
So, you've written your masterpiece. Now what? Before you submit, do your homework. Read the opinion section of the publication you're aiming for and make sure your topic hasn't been covered recently from the same angle. You don't want to be old news before you even hit the presses.
Most major newspapers accept op-eds by email but check their website first to be sure. And while it's tempting to go straight for the big guns like The New York Times, remember that there are plenty of other excellent papers out there. It is better to be published elsewhere than not published at all.
Writing an op-ed can be a powerful way to make your voice heard and persuade others to see things your way. But it takes focus, skill, and a bit of bravado to pull it off. Follow these guidelines, do your homework, and let your passion shine through. With a bit of luck and a lot of hard work, you just might find yourself in the opinion pages, stirring up public debate and making a difference.
It's time to talk about the elephant in the room, the one thing holding you back from unleashing your inner creative genius: resistance.
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