Writing Team

The Hire a Writer team frequently puts our noggins together for co-written blogs.

Discover how to balance accuracy and storytelling in crime fiction.

3 min read

How Important is Accuracy in Crime Fiction?

When writing crime fiction, one of the questions that often arises is how much accuracy readers expect. Should writers spend endless hours researching every police rank, forensic procedure, or criminal psychology technique to ensure perfect...

Master the art of mocking dystopias, utopias, and tech nightmares with expert tips and examples for writers.

3 min read

Speculative Satire: Mocking Tomorrow's Problems Today

In a world where AI chatbots write your dating profiles and smart fridges judge your midnight snacking habits, sometimes the only response is to...

Learn how to write using a single color to elevate your descriptive writing.

3 min read

Writing in One Color

Color is a powerful tool in writing, often used to evoke mood, atmosphere, and symbolism. But what if you challenge yourself to write using a single...

 Let your readers squirm with suspense, laugh at misunderstandings, or ache with empathy as they witness the story unfold.

4 min read

Dramatic Irony: A Creative Writer’s Secret Weapon

Dramatic irony is a literary device where the audience knows more about a situation than the characters in the story do. It creates tension, humor,...

By borrowing principles from chemistry, you can add structure, depth, and dynamism to your creative work.

3 min read

The Alchemy of Creativity: Lessons from Chemistry

Chemistry is the study of interactions—atoms bonding, molecules transforming, and elements combining to create something entirely new. For creative...

Sparkle text can be a poetic metaphor, a witty turn of phrase, or a poignant line that stays with the reader long after they've closed the book.

3 min read

Sparkle Text: Adding Shine to Your Creative Writing

For creative writers, words are more than tools—they're jewels. And like any jewel, some words and phrases shine brighter than others, catching the...

The beauty of brain pickings is that it’s a deeply personal process. It allows you to connect seemingly unrelated ideas to create something entirely new.

3 min read

Brain Pickings

In the vast and often chaotic world of creative writing, there exists a hidden treasure chest—a reservoir of inspiration and knowledge known as...

Practice these transformations regularly, and you'll develop an instinct for recognizing and fixing weak sentences in your own writing.

3 min read

Turn a Horrible Sentence into a Great Sentence

Writing is rewriting. Often, the difference between mediocre and masterful prose comes down to precise word choice, rhythm, and structure. Here's a...

Tone is a powerful tool that helps professional writers craft meaningful messages.

3 min read

Different Tones in Writing: Examples from Thought Leaders and Modern Writers

As professional writers, understanding and mastering tone is essential for engaging diverse audiences. Tone sets the mood, influences interpretation,...

This research arrives at a crucial moment when many writers rely almost exclusively on digital tools.

2 min read

New Research: Writing by Hand Impacts Cognitive Function

A groundbreaking study published in Frontiers in Psychology has unveiled compelling evidence that could revolutionize how professional writers...

Explore top writing scholarships for 2024, including eligibility, deadlines, sponsors, and application tips!

2 min read

Writing Scholarships: Opportunities and Tips for Aspiring Writers

For students passionate about writing, there are numerous scholarships available to support educational and creative pursuits. These scholarships...

Don’t miss your chance to elevate your visual storytelling with a $30,000 fellowship prize

1 min read

CatchLight Visual Storytelling Fellowship: $30,000

Are you a visual storyteller passionate about creating impactful work? Do you have a groundbreaking project idea that uses visuals to captivate...

The shadow side is not just a tool for creating engaging characters—it’s a reflection of what makes us human.

3 min read

Harnessing Your Shadow Side

In an illuminating discussion, authors and writing coaches Kate Riordan and Anissa Gray, both from The Novelry, cover the profound topic of using...

creative writing student

2 min read

Can Creative Writing Be Taught?

The world loves an overnight success story—the dustman who becomes a singing sensation, the single mother who conceives an entire fantasy series on a...

Mastering metonymy and synecdoche isn't just about understanding definitions – it's about developing an eye for meaningful relationships

2 min read

Metonymy and Synecdoche: A Writer's Guide

The art of substitution in writing creates layers of meaning that can elevate prose from mundane to memorable. Two of the most powerful tools in this...

Hauntological writing offers a rich framework for exploring contemporary anxieties about time, memory, and lost possibilities.

2 min read

Hauntological Writing

Hauntological writing emerges from the intersection of memory, lost futures, and cultural ghosts. For writers seeking to master this distinctive...

Reverse chronology resonates because it mirrors how we often process life—by looking back.

3 min read

Untelling: Writing Stories in Reverse Chronology

Reverse chronology—often referred to as "untelling"—is a narrative technique where events unfold backward in time, challenging traditional...

Writing ancestral fiction is a profound act of exploration, reflection, and storytelling.

3 min read

Ancestral Fiction: Writing as a Collective Across Generations

Ancestral fiction is a rich and complex literary approach that intertwines the threads of history, identity, and collective memory. By embracing the...

Minimalist fiction teaches us that silence can be deafening.

3 min read

Fiction Where Silence and Space Do the Work

In a world overwhelmed by noise, minimalist fiction stands as a quiet rebellion. It's an art form that proves the old adage: sometimes less isn't...

Unconventional narrators offer unique opportunities to tell stories in fresh, compelling ways.

3 min read

Unseen Narrators: Writing from the POV of Ghosts, AI, or Inanimate Objects

The choice of narrator can transform a story from conventional to extraordinary. When writers venture beyond human consciousness to explore...

The charm of found footage fiction lies in its immersive storytelling and the active role it assigns to audiences.

5 min read

Found Footage Fiction

Found footage fiction has become a popular genre, especially in literature and film, offering a unique narrative experience by weaving together...

By transforming nature into a character, eco-fabulism not only brings attention to environmental issues but also encourages empathy and introspection.

4 min read

Eco-Fabulism: When Nature Becomes the Hero or Villain

Eco-fabulism is a unique literary and artistic genre where nature takes on a central role—either as a savior or as a force of destruction. This genre...

Participating in these contests offers writers the chance to gain recognition, publication, and valuable feedback.

7 min read

Writing Contests in 2025

As 2025 approaches, writers have numerous opportunities to showcase their talents through various prestigious writing contests. Participating in...

There's a whole world of mythology out there just waiting to be explored, remixed, and reimagined.

4 min read

Unpopular Mythologies into Fiction

Look, we all love a good Greek myth retelling (yes, I see you reaching for that Persephone romance), but there's a whole world of incredible...

Writing in isolation tanks isn't just a quirky trend.

3 min read

Writing in Isolation Tanks: When Sensory Deprivation Meets Creativity

Picture this: You're floating in absolute darkness. No sound. No light. No Instagram notifications begging for your attention. Just you, your...

BookTok isn't just changing how we discover books – it's revolutionizing the entire publishing industry.

3 min read

Everything You Want to Know About BookTok:

Listen up, bookworms and scrollers! If you've been wondering why everyone's suddenly obsessed with that romantasy book with the spicy scenes, or why...

Crafting a dialogue-free narrative isn’t about the absence of communication but rather the transformation of how a story is told.

3 min read

Silent Stories: Crafting Dialogue-Free Narratives

Dialogue often drives stories in books, film, and television. The idea of crafting dialogue-free narratives might seem daunting. Yet, some of the...

Romantasy continues to evolve, capturing readers with its mix of epic fantasy settings and heart-wrenching love stories.

4 min read

The Guide to Romantasy: Evolution, Archetypes, and Must-Read Stories

Romantasy—a blend of romance and fantasy—has taken the literary world by storm, rising from niche genre to mainstream success. This hybrid genre...

Chaotic structures offer writers the freedom to break from traditional storytelling methods.

4 min read

Chaotic Structures in Writing

In literature, narrative structures are often expected to follow a logical sequence—typically linear, with clear progression from introduction to...

Writing with Tarot offers an engaging and creative way to develop plot twists that feel both organic and surprising.

4 min read

Writing with the Tarot

Writers have long turned to unconventional methods for inspiration, and the Tarot is an increasingly popular tool for unlocking creativity,...

In the world of hyperbolic fiction, the sky's not the limit – it's just the beginning!

3 min read

Hyperbolic Fiction: When Exaggeration Becomes an Art Form

As far as literary techniques go, hyperbolic fictionis a genre that pushes the boundaries of reality to their absolute limits. This article reviews...

Linguistic constraints, such as writing with only one vowel or creating palindromic stories, offer writers unique challenges that can spark creativity and lead to unexpected narrative discoveries.

3 min read

Creating Linguistic Constraints: Writing Entire Stories with Only One Vowel or Using Palindromes

Linguistic constraints offer writers a unique challenge and readers an intriguing experience. This article explores two specific constraints: writing...

Monologue fiction offers writers a unique canvas to explore character depth, narrative voice, and the intricacies of human thought.

2 min read

Monologue Fiction: Writing Entire Stories as Soliloquies

In the vast landscape of literary techniques, monologue fiction stands out as a unique and powerful form of storytelling. This article explores the...

Retro futurism offers writers a unique playground to explore themes of progress, nostalgia, and the cyclical nature of human ambition.

2 min read

Retro Futurism: Writing the Future as Imagined in the Past

Retro futurism is a captivating subgenre that blends nostalgia with imagination. For professional writers looking to explore this unique intersection...

Slang is a dynamic and fascinating aspect of language that reflects the ever-changing nature of culture and communication.

3 min read

A Guide to Slang (When to Use it, Etc.)

Slang is a linguistic chameleon, constantly evolving and adapting to the cultural landscape. It's the rebellious cousin of formal language, often...

Discover the made-up words you use every day and how they became a part of your daily language!

2 min read

Made-Up Words You Use Every Day

You might not realize it, but many of the words we use every day started as made-up creations. Over time, these words became so commonplace that we...

Both pastiche and parody offer creative ways to engage with famous styles, but they serve very different purposes.

4 min read

Pastiche vs. Parody: Blending and Bending Famous Styles

In literature, film, and art, the lines between pastiche and parody are often blurred. Both forms of creative expression borrow from or imitate...

Cryptozoological fiction opens up a world of creative possibilities for writers, blending mystery, adventure, and the supernatural.

4 min read

Cryptozoological Fiction

Cryptozoology, the study of hidden or legendary animals whose existence is unconfirmed by science, offers fertile ground for fiction writers. From...

In this article, we’ll explore the definition of creativity and provide 20 examples, drawing from both short stories and speeches by brilliant minds.

4 min read

Define Creativity: 20 Brilliant Examples from Short Stories and Speeches

Creativity is often described as the ability to produce original and valuable ideas. It’s the spark that turns imagination into reality, taking the...

In this article, we will explore some of Shakespeare's most famous word creations, where they appeared in his works, and how they continue to influence modern language and popular culture.

4 min read

How Many Words Did Shakespeare Invent?

William Shakespeare, often hailed as the greatest playwright in the English language, left a significant imprint on not only theater but also the...

The butterfly effect in writing offers a way to create intricate, interconnected narratives where every choice and action, no matter how small, has lasting consequences.

4 min read

Butterfly Effects: Harnessing Chaos Theory in Writing

The term butterfly effect originates from chaos theory and refers to the concept that small causes can have large effects. The idea suggests that...

David Ogilvy's name will forever be synonymous with modern advertising and marketing.

4 min read

David Ogilvy: The Father of Modern Advertising

David Ogilvy is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in modern advertising and marketing. Known for his groundbreaking campaigns,...

These powerful words, when wielded by skilled authors, have the ability to transport readers to realms beyond imagination.

3 min read

Powerful Words: Illustrated by Bizarre and Fantastical Literature

Words have the power to shape realities, evoke emotions, and transport us to worlds beyond our imagination. In this article, we'll explore a...

Writing body language to show that a character is intrigued or paying close attention allows readers to feel the moment alongside the character.

4 min read

Intrigued and Paying Attention: How to Write Characters' Body Language

When it comes to storytelling, showing is often more powerful than telling. One of the best ways to convey your characters’ emotions, thoughts, and...

These out-of-the-box authors push the boundaries of what tone can be

5 min read

Different Tones in Writing: The Weird, the Wild, and the Wonderfully Out of the Box

Writing isn’t just about words; it’s about how those words are delivered. Tone is the personality of a piece, the mood it sets, the emotional weight...

This collection of quotes about writing offers a kaleidoscope of perspectives from some of the most influential and insightful writers in literary history.

14 min read

Quotes about Writing

The art of writing has been a subject of reflection, admiration, and sometimes frustration for countless authors throughout history. From the...

With time and dedication, you'll find yourself writing faster and more efficiently than you ever thought possible.

10 min read

How to Speed Write: A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Faster

The ability to write quickly and efficiently has become an indispensable skill. Whether you're a student burning the midnight oil to finish an essay,...

While debates about words like 'irregardless' or 'impactful' may continue, they serve as reminders of the fluid nature of language.

2 min read

Is 'funnier' a word? And other linguistic debates

The English language is full of surprises, and even native speakers sometimes find themselves questioning the legitimacy of certain words. In this...

The phrase

3 min read

The Etymology of the Phrase "Preach to the Choir"

The phrase "preach to the choir" is a common expression in modern English, often used to describe a situation where someone is trying to persuade or...

N-grams remain a fundamental concept in natural language processing, providing a bridge between raw text and machine understanding.

2 min read

N-grams: The Building Blocks of Natural Language Processing

Researchers and developers are constantly seeking ways to make machines better understand and generate human language. One of the fundamental...

By understanding how compound words develop and incorporating them into your marketing strategies, you can communicate ideas clearly.

3 min read

Compound Words: What They Are, How They Develop, and Their Role in Marketing

Compound words are an essential part of the English language, evolving over time to reflect new concepts, technologies, and cultural shifts. In...

Taglines are a vital part of brand identity, capturing the essence of your business in just a few words.

3 min read

Tagline Experiments

A memorable tagline is one of the most important elements of a brand’s identity. It communicates a brand’s message in a brief and impactful way,...

Analogies are a powerful tool in both storytelling and communication.

2 min read

What is an Analogy?

An analogy is a comparison between two things, often to explain or clarify something unfamiliar by relating it to something more familiar. It helps...

By recognizing the potential influence of writing on our minds, we can become more discerning readers and more responsible writers

2 min read

Mind Control and the Art of Writing

In the realm of human cognition, few concepts are as intriguing and controversial as mind control. While often associated with science fiction or...

Stickers are more than just a fun addition—they are a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses of any size create memorable brand experiences.

4 min read

Creative Uses for Stickers

Stickers may seem like a simple tool, but they can be incredibly powerful for creative expression and marketing. Whether you’re a small business,...

Proofreading is more than just a final check—it's an integral part of the writing process that can elevate your work from good to great.

4 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Proofreading

In the world of writing, whether it's for business, academia, or creative pursuits, the difference between good and great often comes down to one...


2 min read

The Ghost of Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf, like many writers, was haunted. Not by a specter of the night, but by a question that has plagued creatives for centuries: Can one be...

Divorcing your creative process from how the work will be received is crucial.

4 min read

Are Trigger Warnings Ruining Us?

Racism, sexual violence, colonialism, and graphic brutality.

Discover how freewriting boosts creativity and productivity with insights from famous writers and psychology.

3 min read


In the world of writing and creativity, the concepts of freewriting and the messy first draft have gained significant traction. Embraced by seasoned...

It’s obvious from Dostoevsky’s doodles that the writer, while writing, wasn’t always … well, writing.

8 min read

The Unexpected Artist

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. World-renowned author. Master of the psychological novel. Troubled gambler. Political prisoner. Prolific … doodler?

Explore how attention and focus systems in the brain can boost your productivity and creativity.

1 min read

The Psychology of Focus: Unlocking Creativity and Productivity

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable...

When we find ourselves bored and fall back on consuming some type of media, the excuses are always the same.

3 min read

To Write or To Scroll?

Every time we take out our smartphone, we engage with the same unconscious dilemma: to consume or to create. Think about it — you could do a million...

As writers, it's common to feel guilty when we are not writing. It's a little like always having homework. But it's important to remember that even the greats made sure to live.

3 min read

Don’t Be a Lonely Writer

The romantic mythology of the hermit is deep within every creative individual. As a writer, the notion is particularly enticing — disappear from...

Heimisdóttir believes, “The future of linguistic diversity is bright.”

5 min read

Is AI Going to Change the Way We Speak?

How often do you use the word “tapestry” in your everyday speech? How about “delve”? Does “testament” regularly show up in your text chains?

Discover 15 top apps and tools to boost your writing productivity and overcome distractions.

2 min read

The Best Apps for Writing

Writing can be challenging, especially when distractions abound. Here are some apps and tools to boost your productivity and focus.

Discover the best playlists for writing, from gentle indie folk to video game soundtracks. Enhance your creativity and focus with these 15 diverse musical options.

1 min read

Best Playlists for Writing

As a writer, finding the right ambiance to spark your creativity is crucial. Music can be a powerful tool to set the mood and help you focus. Here's...

Dive into Wuxia, the Chinese literary genre depicting the lives and adventures of martial heroes.

2 min read

Exploring Wuxia: The World of Martial Heroes

Wuxia, a Chinese literary genre, translates to "martial heroes." It combines elements of historical fiction with the rich traditions of Chinese...

Discover Ergodic literature, a non-linear genre requiring active reader engagement. Explore examples and writing tips.

2 min read

Exploring Ergodic Literature

Ergodic literature is a genre that challenges conventional reading by requiring significant effort from the reader to engage with and interpret the...

Explore Cli-Fi, a genre blending climate change, dystopia, and speculative fiction. Learn writing tips.

2 min read

Exploring Cli-Fi: Climate Fiction and Its Impact

Cli-Fi, short for climate fiction, is a genre of literature that focuses on climate change and its effects on the planet and humanity. This genre,...

News or storytelling? Explore how emotional manipulation in journalism affects our understanding of events.

2 min read

The Emotional Manipulation of News

We seek stories that stir our emotions. We crave excitement, empathy, and even fear from our novels and movies. Storytellers excel at eliciting these...

Explore societal narratives: powerful stories shaping our world, often based more on fiction than fact.

2 min read

Let's Talk About Societal Narratives

In our increasingly interconnected world, certain terms have become so ubiquitous that they risk losing their precise meanings. "Narrative" is one...


2 min read

A Tale of Wealth, Morality, and Societal Blindness: "The Semplica-Girl Diaries"

George Saunders' short story "The Semplica-Girl Diaries" is a masterful exploration of societal norms, wealth disparity, and moral blindness,...

Unlock your writing's humor potential. Tips for reluctant comedians to add wit and charm to their stories.

4 min read

LOL - How to Use Humor

Humor can be a powerful tool in storytelling, even for those of us who don't consider ourselves naturally funny. This guide aims to help writers who...

using clothes to characterize

5 min read

Using Clothes to Characterize

"Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality," says legendary fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld. And as writers, we can...

When learning to overcome writer’s block, it's useful to consider the brain's incredible capacity for creativity.

2 min read

Overcome Writer’s Block with Neuroscience

Our unique neuronal connections enable us to create literature, art, and complex ideas. Understanding how these brain functions work can provide...

Breaking Boundaries: The Avant-Garde in Creative Writing and the power of subplots in storytelling.

5 min read

Breaking Boundaries: The Avant-Garde in Creative Writing

Avant-garde refers to artistic movements that are innovative, experimental, and nonconformist in nature. This term has been used to describe various...


2 min read

Tips on Pitching Your Writing to Publications

Every writer, editor, and pitching process is unique, but we've observed several key elements that make a pitch sing. To help you put your best foot...

A woman with glasses reading a book.

3 min read

Start Thinking About Your Writing Strengths

It's time to flip the script on how writers approach their craft. For far too long, the writing community has been stuck in a rut of self-doubt,...

A man writing poetry in pop art style.

4 min read

4 Poetry Prompts To Get You Writing

Alright, folks! Are you ready to get those creative juices flowing and write some poetry that'll knock your readers' socks off? Well, buckle up...

A woman smiling and writing in pop art style.

5 min read

Tips for Beating Creative Resistance

It's time to talk about the elephant in the room, the one thing holding you back from unleashing your inner creative genius: resistance.

A woman annotating a book in pop-art style.

4 min read

Beta Reading: How It Helps and Why You Need It

You've come to the right place if you're itching to dive into the exciting world of beta reading and help shape the next generation of bestsellers....

A close up of someone's hands as they type on a computer in pop art style.

2 min read

Top Tips to Write an Op-Ed

Alright, folks, listen up! If you've got something important to say and want to make a splash in the opinion pages, it's time to learn how to write a...

A teenage boy writing in a book in pop art style.

5 min read

Writers and Vision Boards: Visualize Success

Attention all you writers, dreamers, and goal-chasers out there! Listen up because we're about to dive into the wonderful world of vision boards and...

A child reading a book in pop art style.

4 min read

Don’t Sleep on Writing Bedtime Stories

If you're itching to learn how to write a bedtime story that'll knock the socks off your readers and send them drifting off to dreamland with a smile...

A man frowning in pop art style.

2 min read

To Friend or Not to Friend: Frenemies Throughout History

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we're about to dive headfirst into the dynamic world of frenemies! These enigmatic relationships, which straddle...

A person going for a walk in pop art style.

3 min read

Top Ten Self-Care Techniques for Writers

Hey there, fellow word wranglers and story slingers! Are you ready to dive into the world of writerly self-care?

A woman sitting on a stool as she types on a floating typewriter in pop art style.

2 min read

5 Tips for Writing Fast(er)

Are you ready to kick your writing into high gear? Well, get ready because we’re about to drop some knowledge that'll have your fingers flying across...

An elf comedian in pop art style.

2 min read

Laughter and Magic: Top Tips to Write Humorous Urban Fantasy

Urban fantasy seamlessly blends the mundane and the extraordinary in the ever-evolving tapestry of speculative fiction. It invites readers to embark...

A novelist signing a contract in pop art style.

4 min read

Unlock the Gateway to Success: First Pages in Query Submissions

In the highly competitive realm of publishing, the first pages of a manuscript wield immense power – they can either open doors to literary success...

A woman editing a book with a pen in pop art style.

4 min read

A Guide to Editing Anthologies

In literary curation, the role of an editor often emerges unexpectedly, as if destiny itself bestows this mantle upon one's shoulders. Such was the...

A woman peering over the top of a book in pop art style.

3 min read

Learn from Mistakes: Overlooking Banned Books in Writing

Making mistakes is an integral part of the writing journey. Each misstep presents an opportunity to learn and grow. A lot of writers make one crucial...

A woman reading a poetry book in pop-art style.

3 min read

Explore the Rich Tapestry of Poetry: A Dive into Poetic Forms

Poetry, as an expressive art form, embraces a vast array of structures and styles. Delving into the world of poetic forms reveals a fascinating...

Four-panel pop-art style of four women, one in each panel, with various expressions of surprise on their faces.

3 min read

Unwanted Exits and Narrative Shifts: Crafting Compelling Fiction

In fiction writing, the art of keeping readers engaged is a delicate dance. Unwanted exits and narrative shifts are pivotal in shaping the reader's...

creative writing process

2 min read

Creative Writing Process: Prewriting, Writing, and Rewriting

As writers, we aspire to reach the “perfect” final draft for whichever project we have in mind. We want to produce works of art that take readers...

touch the grass

1 min read

Touch the Grass: A Screenwriter's Unexpected Muse

It's common to jest at the admonishment "touch grass," usually a jibe at those seemingly too digitalized.

gen z

4 min read

A Guide to Grammar for the Gen Z Squad

Gen Z, also known as those who came into the world from 1997 to 2012 (stretching to 2015 because, as we'll dive into with their linguistic quirks,...


1 min read

The Argument for Personal Eulogies and What Yours Should Include

In a world where the certainties are death and taxes, the tradition has been to leave the final words about us to others. Typically, these eulogies...

how to read as a writer

3 min read

How to Read as a Writer

So, you've crafted your story, but it feels like something is amiss. The pacing in the middle might be off, or perhaps the climax isn't as impactful...

dystopian writing

3 min read

Dystopian Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Imagination

Dystopian literature enjoyed a surge in popularity a few years ago with series like The Hunger Games. Though the genre witnessed a decline, it's...


5 min read

Discovering Thriller Story Ideas

Thrillers are the masterclass in suspense, tension, and surprises, captivating readers with every page turn. If you aim to craft the next...