The 5 Degrees of Link Relevance
SEO theory might seem straightforward, but the real challenge lies in the execution and consistency of strategies.
Let's talk about:
There are a few kinds of links, some of which are more important than others for SEO. All of which you should know about and use strategically. There are:
NOTE: I am purposely not talking about nofollow links here because it's too deep for this discussion. Another time.
Links are valued by search engines. As the Google bots crawl, index and rank, they use links to discover new pages and measure existing pages. High quality pages will improve in rank. Highly connected pages will do even better. This means that linking is an SEO ranking factor. It is inherent in the Google algorithm. Links are about your authority and confidence.
Now, there is a warning here: every time Google updates it refines its measurement of links. This is partly because people over-optimize their pages and use no-no techniques (like web directory listings in exchange for links). Practices like this get you penalized. But if you're a novice, you probably don't know enough to worry about that. No shade.
As much as responding to every comment on your Facebook thread is a vital tactic to growing your brand, link building is another aspect of PR you can't ignore. It's a less icky version of "like for like!" "follow for follow!". Wink. Shudder. Link building helps you build relationships. It forces you to get extroverted and reach out to other blog writers and entrepreneurs. You can promote the content you create and build long-term relationships with people who can help you grow your brand.
Link building also gets you referral traffic. It's earned, not paid. And the traffic you get from links out there is organic, which is the best kind of food to eat, I mean traffic to get.
Before you go scattering your blogs like seed in the wind, let me remind you: a good linking strategy begins with having something worth linking to. Don't disappoint the Google Bots by having garbage to drive people back to. Everything you write should accurately reflect your brand, provide value to the reader and be well crafted and thought out and I didn't really consider how to end this sentence.
SEO theory might seem straightforward, but the real challenge lies in the execution and consistency of strategies.
There’s all this talk about how to get backlinks, but no one seems to know where those links should point to on your website.
So-called SEO gurus love to talk about backlinks, but when you ask them about anchor text, they clam up.