Joy Youell

Joy Youell is a content strategist and writer.

 Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results - Reverting to pagination for improved speed.

1 min read

Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results

Google has announced the discontinuation of its continuous scroll feature in search results, reverting to the traditional pagination system. This change will first take effect on desktop search results starting today, with the mobile version...

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1 min read

Google Analytics Adds User Conversion Rate Metrics

Google has updated its popular Google Analytics platform with two new metrics for measuring user conversions. The new “User Key Event Rate” and...

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youtube annotation

1 min read

YouTube Tests Crowdsourced Annotations for Videos

YouTube is experimenting with a new feature that allows creators and viewers to add context notes to videos, aiming to enhance the accuracy of...

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google gemini

3 min read

Google I/O 2024: Unveiling the Future of AI with Gemini

Google I/O 2024 kicked off with a dynamic and futuristic keynote that highlighted Google's unwavering commitment to artificial intelligence (AI)....

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spammy backlinks

1 min read

Understanding the Impact of Spammy Backlinks

John Mueller from Google recently shed light on the topic of spammy backlinks and their influence on search engine rankings, providing valuable...

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2 min read

Google's March 2024 Core Update:

In March 2024, Google launched a significant Core Update, focusing on the enhancement of search result quality and the implementation of stricter...

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google's video thumbnail changes impact on serp and ctr

2 min read

Google's Video Thumbnail Changes: Impact on SERPs and Click-Through Rates

On April 13, Google announced a change to how video thumbnails would be presented in the search results. Until now, a listing could receive a video...

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news syndication

3 min read

Guard Your SEO: Are News Syndication Partners Hijacking Your Traffic?

In today's fiercely competitive digital marketing landscape, amplifying your brand's voice is crucial. Paid news content syndication partners promise...

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google trained generative model

2 min read

Google's Trained Generative Model and Query Variants in Search

A Google patent was published on May 30, 2023, titled "Generating Query Variants Using A Trained Generative Model."

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bing webmaster

3 min read

Bing Webmaster Tools: Unveiling the Content Quality Flag

When exploring the world of search engine optimization, keeping tabs on search engines' evolving features and tools is crucial. Recently,Bing...

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featured snippets

7 min read

Featured Snippets: Strategies and Benefits

Featured snippets, often referred to as position zero, are coveted real estate in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs). These concise and...

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bounce rates

2 min read

Understanding Bounce Rates and Their Impact on SEO

Bounce rates are a crucial metric in the world of website analytics, holding significant implications for your website's performance and its search...

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mobile seo

2 min read

Mobile-Friendliness and SEO: A Vital Connection

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and with them, mobile browsing has soared. As a result, Google has prioritized...

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structured data

2 min read

Introduction to Structured Data

Structured data refers to a method of organizing and presenting information on a web page in a format that search engines can easily understand. This...

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woman on computer cubism style

2 min read

A Comprehensive Guide to User Intent

Understanding user intent is the key to search engine optimization (SEO), allowing brands to go beyond simply chasing after consumers and instead...

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Enhancing SEO Reports With Narrative Explanation

3 min read

Enhancing SEO Reports With Narrative Explanation

If you've watched many of my SEO trainings, you know that I am extremely passionate about providing our clients with SEO transparency. I want them to...

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Outlining With ChatGPT

4 min read

Outlining With ChatGPT

One of the ways that content AI systems are useful to content strategists and writers is outlining. It uses the same sources we use (i.e., the...

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AI for SEO Content: Yes, No, Maybe So?

7 min read

AI for SEO Content: Yes, No, Maybe So?

When it comes to SEO content, the conversation is rising: can’t we just use AI? Can ChatGPT help me rank in Google? What about Jasper? Or one of the...

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How to do an SEO Audit

9 min read

How to do an SEO Audit

Most SEO writers know how to create search-friendly content. But really, the foundation of any SEO strategy has to be a level set. An SEO audit...

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Putting Together an SEO Topic Cluster

4 min read

Putting Together an SEO Topic Cluster

An SEO topic cluster is a sophisticated on-page SEO strategy. Most SEO experts would agree it’s a pretty reliable way to get results.

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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

10 min read

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

You can Google. A BUNCH of stuff. Or you can read this and get the full picture of everything SEO-related.

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Technical SEO

3 min read

Technical SEO

There are a few technical SEO components that impact organic search for your site, and are not related to words (or on-page SEO factors).

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How to Find Keywords for Your Real Estate Business Blog

5 min read

How to Find Keywords for Your Real Estate Business Blog

For real estate businesses, getting more clients is the only way to grow. You can get clients in a number of ways in this industry, but one of the...

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Writing an SEO Blog

6 min read

Writing an SEO Blog

The more I work with teams of writers - including content people, web developers and marketers - the more I realize that a lot of teams really don't...

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3 Things an SEO Specialist Should Do

3 min read

3 Things an SEO Specialist Should Do

As I’ve mentioned before, “SEO” is a term that’s thrown around a lot with like a 7% understanding of what it means. That’s not meant to be snarky,...

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Create an SEO Keyword List

4 min read

Create an SEO Keyword List

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How to Write an SEO Blog

4 min read

How to Write an SEO Blog

If you want to know how to write an SEO blog, read on.

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Writing for Humans

4 min read

Writing for Humans

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SEO: An Introduction

3 min read

SEO: An Introduction

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Write an SEO Blog

3 min read

Write an SEO Blog: Live Demo

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How to Find SEO Blog Topics

2 min read

How to Find SEO Blog Topics

Blogging is great. But a blog is way more than an online editorial, info hub or brand positioning opportunity. Writing a blog is a huge opportunity...

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