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Google Brings New AI Search Experience to U.S. Teens

Google Brings New AI Search Experience to U.S. Teens

Google recently announced plans to extend its AI-powered search feature, Search Generative Experience (SGE), to U.S. teenagers aged 13-17. This comes after a successful launch for adults earlier this year.

To address safety concerns, Google has implemented stricter filters and published an AI literacy guide for younger users. The company emphasizes that rigorous improvement of these early-stage technologies remains a priority.

Balancing Opportunities and Risks for Younger Users

Google believes SGE can uniquely aid teens in exploring topics of interest and getting answers to questions traditional search struggles with. However, appropriate precautions are vital for younger audiences.

Along with stronger content filters, Google provides education materials on how AI works and how to evaluate results. This aims to promote safe, informed use among teens new to AI.

Enhanced Understanding with "About This Result"

To help users better analyze the reliability of AI-generated information in SGE, Google integrated its "About this result" feature.

This allows checking sources and webpages supporting facts in AI summaries, enabling critical evaluation.

Rigorous Improvement as Scrutiny Grows

Expanding access comes as scrutiny grows around potential misinformation and bias with generative AI. Google stresses continuous rigorous testing and user feedback are key to high-quality, helpful experiences.

These technologies remain early-stage and experimental. Google's willingness to be transparent, take concerns seriously, and improve through extensive evaluation will likely impact public reception.

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