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Monthly knowledge drop - what you need to know about Google updates and more.


OpenAI launches SearchGPT: AI-powered search with direct answers, citations, and publisher controls.

2 min read

OpenAI Launches SearchGPT: AI-Powered Search Prototype

In a bold move that could reshape the landscape of online search, OpenAI has unveiled SearchGPT, an innovative AI-powered search prototype. This new...

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Set and manage your e-commerce shipping and return policies directly in Google Search Console settings.

1 min read

Google Search Console Now Supports Setting Shipping and Return Policies

Google has introduced a new feature in Google Search Console that allows you to set and manage your shipping and return policies directly. This new...

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Google AI Overviews Only Show for 7% of Queries

1 min read

Google AI Overviews Only Show for 7% of Queries

Google's AI Overviews, part of its Search Generative Experience (SGE), now appear in less than 7% of search queries, marking a significant drop. This...

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Google devalues SEO-controlled markup, advising digital marketers to focus on improving content quality over authorship.

1 min read

Google Says These Are Not Good Signals

In a recent interview, Google's Gary Illyes provided insights into why the company trusts less in signals directly controlled by site owners and...

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Google's Gary Illyes explains reasons for crawled but not indexed errors and how to fix them.

2 min read

Google Explains Reasons for Crawled but Not Indexed Errors

Google's Gary Illyes recently provided insights into the dreaded "crawled but not indexed" errors during an interview at the SERP Conf 2024...

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Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results - Reverting to pagination for improved speed.

2 min read

Google Infinite Scroll - What Does the Sunset Mean?

Google has announced the end of continuous scrolling in search results, a move that is raising eyebrows in the search marketing community. This shift...

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 Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results - Reverting to pagination for improved speed.

1 min read

Google to End Continuous Scroll in Search Results

Google has announced the discontinuation of its continuous scroll feature in search results, reverting to the traditional pagination system. This...

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google gemini

3 min read

Google I/O 2024: Unveiling the Future of AI with Gemini

Google I/O 2024 kicked off with a dynamic and futuristic keynote that highlighted Google's unwavering commitment to artificial intelligence (AI)....

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ai and teens

1 min read

Google Brings New AI Search Experience to U.S. Teens

Google recently announced plans to extend its AI-powered search feature, Search Generative Experience (SGE), to U.S. teenagers aged 13-17. This comes...

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google perspectives

3 min read

Unveiling Google's Perspectives Filter and Carousel: A Mobile SERP Game Changer

On June 10, 2023, Google introduced the highly anticipated Perspectives feature within its mobile search results, a development initially teased at...

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news syndication

3 min read

Guard Your SEO: Are News Syndication Partners Hijacking Your Traffic?

In today's fiercely competitive digital marketing landscape, amplifying your brand's voice is crucial. Paid news content syndication partners promise...

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A picture of shapes, cubism style.

2 min read

Impact of Plural Keywords on Search Intent and Google's Differential Ranking of Singular and Plural Keywords

John Mueller of Google recently addressed a query regarding the differing ranking of web pages for singular and plural versions of keywords. The...

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2 min read

Google Nears Launch of AI Software Gemini

According to reports, Alphabet's Google has granted early access to a select group of companies for its conversational artificial intelligence...

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digital pr

2 min read

Digital PR is the New Necessity in SEO: The Evolution of E-A-T

Search engine optimization has experienced a seismic shift, and at the heart of this transformation is the concept of E-A-T, which has now evolved...

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core update

1 min read

Google Successfully Completes Rollout of August 2023 Core Update

Google has recently completed the full rollout of its highly anticipated August 2023 Core Update.

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language matching systems

1 min read

Google Search Update Enhances Language Matching Systems for Improved SEO

Google Search recently underwent an update to enhance its language matching systems, impacting SEO for websites across all languages.

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google news surfaces woman's head

2 min read

Google News Surfaces: Jargon, Traffic Impact, and More

In the world of Google News, the lexicon used by SEO experts to describe its diverse surfaces can be both accurate and confusing. Discerning the...

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the podcast app semrush

2 min read

Semrush Partners With Podcast Hosting App

Disctopia, a prominent podcast hosting and music streaming service catering to independent creators, has unveiled an exciting partnership with...

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