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What Makes Content Valuable?

What Makes Content Valuable?

Valuable: it’s the most overused adjective used to describe good social media content. In fact, if you’ve spent any time looking for social media content creation advice, you’ve almost certainly heard that you should aim to create valuable content. 

But what, exactly, is valuable content? What are the metrics to measure value? And, more importantly, how can you create valuable content?

In this article, I’ll break down the basics of valuable content: what it is and how to make it. Keep reading to learn more. 

What is Valuable Content?

Here’s the simple answer to this question: a piece of valuable content is a social media post that adds value to the lives of your audience. Because audiences vary drastically, the metrics to measure value will be varied as well. 

‍Luckily, there are some general guidelines that can be applied to most audiences. Let’s discuss. 

  • Entertaining content: This content adds value to a viewer's life by helping them pass the time in an interesting and meaningful way. Examples of entertaining content include trends, humor, or story-based content.
  • Inspiring content: This type of content helps viewers achieve their goals by motivating them to take specific action. This action may or may not involve your product directly. If it does, understand that you should never be too “salesy” when creating valuable content. It damages the trust you have built by producing content with no-strings attached.
  • Informative content: This type of content offers answers and solutions to questions or problems your audience has. This should, in almost all cases, not be information about your product or service. 

How Can You Make Sure Your Content is Valuable?

The best way to ensure you’re producing valuable content for your audience is by basing your content strategy on the value pillars discussed above. This means planning and scheduling content that always entertains, inspires, or informs. 

How to Make Entertaining Content

When crafting your content strategy, ask yourself: how could I make my audience laugh? What stories would they want to hear? What kinds of T.V. shows or movies do they like? What music do they listen to? And, most importantly, what influencers or content creators do they follow? 

All of this will give you a solid idea of what kinds of content your audience finds entertaining. If you can master this, your profile will become a go-to hotspot whenever your audience is bored.

How to Make Inspirational Content

To make content that inspires, ask yourself: what goals does my audience have? What are the major challenges they have to overcome to reach those goals? How can they overcome these challenges? And what will they get if they do overcome them? 

The answers to these questions will help you understand what inspires your audience. This will establish you as a supportive, encouraging figure, and an integral part of someone’s success story.

How to Make Informative Content

Finally, ask yourself: What problems does my audience have? What industry or niche are they a part of, and what are their objectives in viewing this content? What questions do they ask in competitors’ comment sections? And what is the most interesting, effective, and engaging way you can present the answers to those problems and questions?

These answers will help you turn your profile into a valuable informative resource for your audience. Mastering this type of content will establish you as an authority figure in your niche or industry. 

Measure Social Media Success With Hire a Writer

Providing valuable content is really just about establishing and building trust with your target audience. It’s your way of showing your audience that your relationship is reciprocal and that they can rely on you for quality content that enriches their lives.

While it might be tempting to focus your social media strategy on promotional content that results in immediate conversions, this is not a good strategy for growth. Valuable content is what makes the difference between someone following or subscribing to your profile, or scrolling past. 

At Hire a Writer, we specialize in all things digital marketing. To read more on content marketing, subscribe to the Hire a Writer blog.


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