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What is a Landing Page?

What is a Landing Page?

Creating a landing page is a frequently utilized technique for marketing businesses of every size. A landing page is simply a website page with a unique URL that is not part of your regular website. This means that for someone to visit it, they need to click a link or have the URL. There are many ways in which a landing page can serve you well in marketing a small business. Landing pages should include branded copy that supports your business and offers something in exchange for an email address.  A landing page is an important element of a digital marketing strategy. So, let's start with the basics.

What is the Goal of a Landing Page?

The goal of a landing page should be very clear. There are several reasons to use a landing page. Landing pages are used as a part of many ad strategies, because they provide highly trackable data and build your email list. Landing pages are different from your regular website in that they are not providing the full scope of your company information. Instead, they are featuring very specific content and asking for a very specific customer transaction.

Drive Traffic to Your Landing Page

Future customers come to landing pages through ads. These ads can be configured in Adwords, they can be PPC ads, they can be FB ads, Amazon ads, any kind of ad. The URL you direct the consumer to in the ad will be the landing page. When they arrive at the landing page, they should get simple and compelling information that drives action.

The highlight of a landing page will be the CTA (Call To Action). These include action requests, such as:

  • Sign up
  • Join now
  • Request a free sample
  • Secure your spot
  • Help us test this app
  • Get your free...
  • Enter to win

Consumers are conditioned to trade their email address for something, so it's important that you consider an offering in exchange for their information. The landing page entries will be entered through a custom form that can then be tracked for targeted email campaigns. It can be a highly effective system.

Common Landing Page Strategies

So, at their heart, landing pages are a place to drive people who click your ads, giving them a chance to enter their contact info. There are some ways that landing pages are commonly used. The best landing pages overtly incentivize by exchanging something valuable for a lead. It is vital that you thoughtfully present an offer that you know your targeted consumer will find valuable enough to give their email address for. Consider which of these uses could be helpful for your marketing strategy. You may use landing pages to offer:

  • A coupon
  • An opportunity
  • A raffle
  • A prize
  • A free download
  • An ebook
  • An article
  • A resource
  • An opt-in

Whatever you choose, be sure to configure your delivery method before letting your landing page go live. The worst thing you could do is create an offer you don't deliver.

Featured Product and Service Based Landing Pages

Whether your small business is primarily digital, product-based or service-based, you have deliverables to advertise. There are many scenarios in which a small business can use landing pages to effectively highlight a specific product or service. Sometimes, landing pages can be utilized by small business owners when a certain product or service needs to make more money. In other words, take the product you can't move off the shelf and feature it as the hottest item you have. Then, create an ad, drive to a landing page, and trade someone a free sample or a download in exchange for their email address. Use the collected email addresses to strategically advertise this and other products, driving sales.

Another scenario is if you have a specific service that is either new or struggling. This may be a new pressure washing feature, new dog grooming package, new airbrush painting technique or whatever is specific to your company. You want to drive appointments for this service, so you create an ad that drives to a landing page. In exchange for an email address, you will send a free download of "The Top 5 Mistakes Your Dog Groomer is Making" (or a relevant article). Then, you will use that captured email to target for this exclusive service with continued requests, coupons and reminders.

These are just to examples of how a landing page can work for you. You can see that some collateral and strategy is involved. That being said, if you need extra business, featuring a product or service in this way can be highly effective in making sales.

Event Based Landing Pages

Landing pages can also be used to drive traffic for events. One way this can be effective is for service-based industries that participate in community events. For example, a local pet groomer that sponsors an dog shelter fundraiser, or a restaurant that donates to an elementary school fundraiser. If your business participates in community events, running a landing page for that event can be a powerful way to secure new leads and customers.

This should be structured in the right way. You can drive traffic to your landing page through your social channels and even through community event listings. Events like these are perfect for local websites that list "things to do" in your area. If you link to a landing page, you can easily track where each of the leads came from. You should consider this a pre-event marketing piece that can be enormous in terms of conversion.

One strategy that may be perfect is to procure leads by automatically entering people into a raffle, the winner of which will be announced at the event. This strategy has been used by churches and non-profits who are hosting a huge Trunk or Treat or Fall Festival, for example, and know that the volume of people attending won't allow them to secure leads on-site. By building a landing page that offers an "enter to win" incentive, you can secure leads in advance of the event. These emails, then,

content business resources

Email List Building Through Landing Pages

Another common way that landing pages are used is to build your email list. This is often an effective strategy used by start-ups, entrepreneurs and people who are in the research and development phase of a new good or service. When you are pre-launch or involved in a start-up, this is an especially valuable way to use landing pages.

The process of creating the chain of ad --> landing page --> offer --> email procurement is the same as your product or service feature landing page. You will create a series of ads to be delivered across multiple platforms (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Those ads will drive link clicks to your landing page, where customer information will be procured. For start-ups, it is essential to add a narrative that captures your customer information, because the trade-off of what you are offering may be less valuable (a coupon or freebie) and more of an ask (help us test this out). Still, using low-cost/high-volume adds to drive to your landing page can be a steady source of new email addresses.

It is vital that you have a comprehensive strategy on the follow-up end of these kinds of new leads. You will want to keep engagement running through email drip campaigns, targeted messaging, offers and more. It will be helpful to automate as much of this as possible in advance. Most of your user-friendly web development platforms (Wordpress, Hubspot) will integrate with your CRM or contact management system so that you can trigger a drip campaign after landing page form submission.

Squeeze Page v. Landing Page

There are some different kinds of pages that often get grouped under the idea or practice of a landing page, but actually serve a different purpose. One of these is a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a very simple page that has a direct link only and is structured to procure leads. This means that the page has minimal content and typically offers something in exchange for an email address. Click here for a very helpful article from WordStream that can give you all of the details about squeeze pages. It was written a few years ago but I found all of the content was still very relevant and helpful. Squeeze pages can be useful for lead conversion if you have one very specific action in mind and want to drive consumer activity.

Splash Page v. Landing Page

A splash page is a different kind of one-off page you provide with a direct link. Splash pages aren't always about lead procurement or a transaction of any kind. These are, like squeeze pages, minimal in content and design. Sometimes a splash page is a disclaimer of some kind. They may also be a notice or require an entry before passing through to the main website. Click here for an article from Instapage that gives you a thorough overview of what splash pages are and how they can be used.

How To Write a Landing Page

These strategies are not complicated but can be time-consuming. There are ways to offset your time spend and maximize your resources. One of these ways may be hiring a freelance writer to develop the content. If done right, landing pages can help build your small business.

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