Meagan Voulo

Meagan Voulo is a data scientist, fiction writer, and copywriter.

Book on table, pop-art style

4 min read

Writing Creative Non-fiction from the Heart

At Hire a Writer, we have “Two Things Tuesday.” Every Tuesday, Joy comes up with a prompt that requires all of us to answer two things. I look forward to Tuesday for this reason. Even though I’m a full-time data scientist and my work is so...

Writing Through a Different Lens

3 min read

Writing Through a Different Lens

My first copywriting job out of college was an utter disaster. I was hired because I had several neuroscience journal articles published in grad...

Forever a Fantasy Reader

3 min read

Forever a Fantasy Reader

As a child, I was shy. That’s probably an understatement - I was more of a hermit. My mom couldn’t drop me off at a friend’s birthday party without...

Taking a Step Back

2 min read

Taking a Step Back

Just like athletes need to train physically, copywriters train mentally. Being someone who enjoys both physical and mental workouts, I discovered a...

What Can You Do as a Creative Writer?

3 min read

What Can You Do as a Creative Writer?

Usually, when people hear about creative writers, they think of poets and novelists, but there are actually a lot of careers for those who excel in...

Writing Exercises for Creativity

4 min read

Writing Exercises for Creativity

Writers have to be creative on demand. To succeed in this inherently creative profession, it’s important to practice!