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Should I Do Part Time Freelance Copywriting?

Should I Do Part Time Freelance Copywriting?

Copywriting is an excellent job for talented writers who are self-motivated. However, it’s not for everyone. Understanding your limitations is key when it comes to taking on any freelance job, especially when for part time work. 

Continue reading to learn more about what it’s like to be a part time copywriter and how to make it work for you. 

Want to learn more about copywriting? Visit the Hire a Writer blog page to see what our writers want you to know. 

Part Time Considerations for Copywriters

The first thing you’ll need to think about is if you’re going to be copywriting as a second job or copywriting for less than 40 hours a week. The second thing you’ll need to consider is if you’re going to work for a copywriting agency or as a solo freelancer.

Now that you’ve thought a bit about what kind of part time copywriter you’re going to be, let’s get into what you need to know.

Copywriting as a Second Job

Copywriting as a second job isn’t easy. Many clients expect communication throughout the week. Once you finish a project, clients may have edits that they need you to get to right away. If you are working at another job where you aren’t able to access your copywriting email, you may get into some sticky situations. 

To avoid any issues, you should be sure to clarify due dates and timelines. It’s all about communication and organization. For example, you can let your client know that you will finish the blog by Tuesday and any edits they need by Friday. This lets your clients know what to expect. 

Want to know more about how to stay organized as a copywriter? Check out our blog: Copywriter Organization (and General Efficiency Tips for Work)

Solo Freelance Copywriting

If you’re looking to only work less than 30 hours a week, copywriting may be a great fit for you. But, if you’re expecting to be a solo copywriter then you should consider the business side of things. These tasks can include:

  • Applying for projects
  • Communicating with clients, including video calls and emails
  • Managing invoices and finances
  • Maintaining a website, social media, and/or portfolio

These are only a few of the essential tasks you’ll have to complete to manage your clientele and business. Without careful planning, all of these tasks can quickly exceed 20-30 hours a week. But don’t stress – it’s not impossible. Write clear scopes of work, set boundaries, and set aside time for business-related tasks to ensure you’re only working just as much as you want to. 

scope of work template

Working with a Copywriting Agency

Whether you want to do copywriting as a second job or as your only job with limited hours, I would highly recommend working with an agency. When you work with a copywriting agency, like Hire a Writer, you can avoid time-consuming business management tasks and focus on writing. 

The agency you work with can help you communicate and build client relationships. While you may be required to do some of this on your own, an agency can help you take some of it off of your plate.

When you work with a copywriting agency, they’ll typically assign you to different projects. They will most likely work with the client and come up with a marketing strategy, but you’ll be the writer behind it all. 

Working with a copywriting agency is a wonderful experience. You get to interact with other professionals and many agencies will let you take on just as much work as you’d like to. 

Copywriting as a Career

While copywriting is an excellent job with many benefits, it’s not the right job for everyone. If you’re going into the field for flexible hours, work from home capabilities, and interesting writing topics, then you may be disappointed. 

Without passion for the job, copywriting can become tiresome. The best way to work as a copywriter part time is with the intention to make this your career. You should feel passionate about the work you’re doing. If you don’t, your clients will receive subpar work and you’ll feel unfulfilled. 

The Verdict

To put it shortly: yes, you should do part time freelancing if that’s where your passion is. However, if you have the choice, I would recommend working part time with a copywriting agency. This will give you the best balance between flexible hours and client communication. 

I wouldn’t recommend working as a copywriter as a second job because it can be difficult to stay on track and in communication. But, you can always give it a shot and see how it goes. 

Whether you write two blogs a week or you work with an agency writing up to 20 hours a week – the most important thing is that you feel fulfilled by your work. 

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