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Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) Removes Local Pack Results

Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) Removes Local Pack Results

When Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) was introduced, it included local results from Google Business Profiles in a format known as the "five pack."

However, Google has now (apparently) decided to discontinue the display of the local pack altogether, leading to changes in how local results are presented in search queries.

In this article, we'll explore the - admittedly scant - details of this change and its potential implications for users and businesses.

Understanding the Evolution of SGE and Local Pack

Google's SGE leverages artificial intelligence to provide answers to user queries. Initially, it incorporated local results into its AI-powered answers using the five-pack format. This approach aimed to enhance the user experience by offering local information directly within the search results.

The Transition Away from the Local Pack

Recently, Google made a significant adjustment to SGE's presentation of local results.

This change was initially noticed by Andy Simpson, who shared his findings on X. As per his observations, Google has ceased displaying the local pack (5-pack) in AI-powered answers generated by SGE.

The New User Experience

Now, when users initiate search queries, they are first prompted to choose an AI-generated answer.

However, just below this option, the traditional local pack is still available.

Yet, when users opt for the AI answer generated by Google SGE, they will no longer see the local pack included, as it was in the past.

Analyzing Google's Strategy

It's essential to note that this change appears to be a strategic decision by Google.

The removal of the local pack from AI-generated answers is likely aimed at reducing redundancy in search results.

While this adjustment may appear as a significant change, it aligns with Google's continuous efforts to enhance the user experience for queries with local intent.

Goodbye... Forever? Local Pack? Are You There?

Sad face?

Google's decision to remove the local pack from AI-generated answers in SGE reflects the company's commitment to refining its search interfaces.

Maybe it's fine.

This change is part of ongoing experimentation to determine the most effective approach for delivering local-intent query results.

As Google continues to evolve its search experience, users and businesses will need to adapt to these adjustments in how local information is presented.

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