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3 Ways to Make the 2022 Instagram Updates Work For Your Brand

3 Ways to Make the 2022 Instagram Updates Work For Your Brand

For Instagram users, the platform’s constant updates can cause a major headache but for creators, businesses, and social media marketers who take advantage of new tools early, the rewards can be massive. 

If you struggle to stay up-to-date with the latest updates and trends on Instagram, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Our team at Hire a Writer is highly skilled in content strategy, content creation, and more. 

Keep reading for our list of ways to make sure your brand is using the 2022 updates to your advantage.

3 Ways to Use the 2022 Instagram Updates to Your Advantage

If you create original content on any social media platform, you may have noticed that algorithms tend to favor creators who adapt new features early on. This is because there is less saturation and competition, so your content will have a higher likelihood of being seen by users.

For this reason, it’s a good practice to start adapting to changes and new features as early as you can. Here are a few ways you can start.

1. Pinned content

Anyone who uses TikTok will be familiar with the concept of pinned videos. Instagram announced this modification to profiles in June. It’s great news for brands and creators, who can use pinned videos to show visitors to their profile exactly what they want them to see. 

A common mistake with pinned videos on TikTok is to pin your most viral or successful videos. While this can work as a form of social proof for creators, as a primary pinning strategy, it’s less likely to benefit businesses.

With three slots available for pinned content, it’s good to execute a strategy. So before you begin pinning, ask yourself these questions: 

1. What are your goals on Instagram?

2. What is one thing you wish you could say to every single customer?

3. What action do you hope people take when they find your Instagram content?

Then, brainstorm a list of content you could create that would provide those outcomes.

Try creating an origin story video that tells your brand’s history, mission, and values. It may not perform as well on the Reels feed, but it will help your customer to know exactly who you are. This way, when they visit your profile, they can instantly decide if they want to follow you. 

And remember, you only want people who actually enjoy your content and mission to follow you, since that will tell the algorithm who to suggest your content to in the future.

Some other ideas for pinned content could be a roundup of your most popular products. Short-form video UGC is a great way to accomplish this.

You should also consider pinning a video that represents the kind of content you post frequently. So, if you’re an eyeglasses brand, but you post funny reels about the #foureyeslife, then pin your most successful of those. This way, customers will understand what they’ll get if they follow you.

Pinned content on your Instagram profile is your chance to curate your first impression of your audience. Be sure to choose this content with care.

2. Stylized captions on Reels

At 66%, short-form video is the most engaging type of content on Instagram. Adding text on-screen to your videos can make them even more engaging, which increases watch time and boosts your chance of going viral. 

Captions on Reels are an effective tool that not only enhances the accessibility of your content but also gives viewers more incentive to watch your content. 

With the introduction of stylized captions this spring, creators now have even more ways to increase their branding on Instagram. 

In order to determine how your business will use this feature, consider your brand voice. There are a variety of ways Instagram now allows users to caption their videos, from silly speech bubbles to text-message chat-style.

Serious brands might benefit from sticking with classic captions, whereas comedic and fun brands would benefit from trying the speech bubbles. Consult with your brand’s style guide and establish how you’ll be using this new feature. 

3. Creator marketplace

Instagram is currently testing its new creator marketplace. This is exciting news for content creators and brands who make use of user-generated content (UGC) because it will make it much easier to coordinate and negotiate contracts and partnerships. 

As a business, you will be able to take advantage of the creator marketplace by connecting with UGC creators who have aligned interests and values, so you can reach the right audience. Creators are able to indicate which brands they’re particularly interested in working with, and businesses can pay the creators in-app.

The process for brand and creator partnerships will look a bit like like:

1. Brands find creators in the marketplace based on their interests and niche.

2. The creator and brand collaborate on the project development.

3. The brand sends the proposal through Instagram’s project folder.

4. The creator completes the project.

5. The brand pays the creator through Instagram’s in-app payment processor. 

This exciting update makes it easier for brands to collaborate with creators by increasing professionalism and taking a lot of guesswork out of the process.

Stay Up-to-Date with Instagram Updates in 2022

That concludes our list of three ways you can make the most of the 2022 Instagram updates. Whether you’re a professional content creator, a social media manager, or a small business owner, these tips will help you reach your audience.

Managing your brand’s social media presence is a complicated and time-consuming process. The professional team at Hire a Writer can help you reach your audience. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.


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