2 min read

Content Gap Analysis: Do You Know What You're Missing?

Content Gap Analysis: Do You Know What You're Missing?

A content gap analysis empowers marketing leaders to uncover valuable insights, seize opportunities, and craft compelling content that resonates with their audience. In this article, we'll walk through a step-by-step process of performing a comprehensive content gap analysis and provide practical tips for both identification and creation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing a Content Gap Analysis

So, if you have a super duper sophisticated dev team, you may be able to automate some of this. But even if you do, the brass tacks of executing a content gap analysis will be pretty similar. First up: it's spreadsheet o'clock.

1. Data Collection in a Spreadsheet

In HAW world, we call this step a content audit.

  • Compile a list of your website's existing content.
  • Gather content data from competitor websites.
  • Include factors like URLs, titles, target keywords, formats, and engagement metrics.

Here's an example of one, if you want to take a page out of our book.

2. Keyword Gap Analysis

Mind the SEO gap with a KW gap analysis.

  • Utilize SEO tools (e.g., SEMrush, Ahrefs) to identify keywords competitors rank for but your site doesn't.
  • Prioritize high-volume, relevant keywords your audience is searching for.

3. Sales Enablement Gap Analysis

  • Identify content that directly supports your sales funnel.
  • Assess whether competitors have content that bridges critical sales gaps.
  • Create content that addresses specific buyer objections and concerns.

4. Premium Content Gap Analysis

  • Identify high-value, comprehensive content pieces competitors offer (e.g., ebooks, whitepapers).
  • Analyze gaps in your premium content offerings and create content that matches or surpasses competitors.

5. Website Content Gap Analysis

  • Evaluate broader content categories on competitors' sites (e.g., blog topics, resource sections).
  • Identify content themes that resonate with your target audience but are missing on your site.

Understanding Content Gaps: 10 Practical Tips

As marketers, knowing the facts is key. You want to understand not just want content you're missing (your content gaps), but how it could be hurting you re: performance. Here's how to do that.

  1. Analyze Engagement Metrics: Look at social shares, comments, and time on page to identify underperforming content.

  2. Assess Bounce Rates: High bounce rates may indicate that content doesn't meet user expectations.

  3. Study Conversion Rates: Examine how various content pieces contribute to lead generation and conversion rates.

  4. Keyword Research: Identify gaps in keywords you're not targeting but competitors are.

  5. User Intent Matching: Ensure your content matches user intent for each stage of the buyer's journey.

  6. Content Diversity: Analyze whether your content covers diverse formats (videos, infographics, podcasts).

  7. Identify Top-Performing Competitor Content: Understand which competitor content drives engagement.

  8. Social Listening: Monitor social media to understand what topics resonate with your audience.

  9. Feedback from Sales and Support: Gather insights from your teams on common questions and customer pain points.

  10. Audience Surveys: Collect feedback from your audience to uncover their content preferences.

content business resources

Creating Competitive Content

As you consider stopping the gaps, keep these content tips in mind.

  1. Address Pain Points: Create content that addresses specific challenges your audience faces.

  2. Keyword-Driven Content: Develop content around identified gaps in keyword targeting.

  3. Unique Value Proposition: Showcase what sets your content apart from competitors'.

  4. Original Research: Create content based on original data, surveys, or studies.

  5. Visual Appeal: Utilize graphics, videos, and interactive elements to enhance engagement.

  6. Storytelling: Weave narratives that resonate emotionally with your audience.

  7. Long-Form Content: Offer comprehensive guides that provide in-depth insights.

  8. Expert Contributions: Collaborate with industry experts to add credibility to your content.

  9. Actionable Insights: Provide practical takeaways readers can apply immediately.

  10. A/B Testing: Continuously optimize content elements based on user engagement data.

Find the Content Gap, Fix the Content Gap

A content gap analysis isn't just about identifying shortcomings; it's a roadmap for crafting content that exceeds audience expectations. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing the practical tips provided, marketing leaders can harness the power of data-driven insights to create captivating, competitive, and compelling content that truly resonates with their target audience.

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