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15 Google Chrome Extensions for SEO You Need to Check Out

15 Google Chrome Extensions for SEO You Need to Check Out

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving field that requires professionals to stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and techniques. One way to streamline and enhance SEO efforts is by leveraging the power of Google Chrome extensions. These browser add-ons offer many features and functionalities to help SEO professionals work more efficiently and effectively.

Today, we’ll explore the best Google Chrome extensions for SEO, categorized by their primary functions. These extensions work not only on Google Chrome but also on other Chromium-based browsers, such as Brave. 

1. SEO's Magic Opener

SEO's Magic Opener is an invaluable extension that simplifies checking a URL's performance report in Google Search Console (GSC). Instead of manually navigating through GSC and applying filters, this extension allows users to access the web property performance report for the current URL with just two clicks. It is essential to select the appropriate property type (domain or URL prefix) based on the website's GSC account settings.

2. SEO Meta in 1-Click, Detailed SEO & SEO Pro

These extensions provide quick access to essential metadata for each URL visited, such as title, description, Open Graph (OG) tags, Twitter card tags, canonical URLs, and more. SEO Meta in 1-Click offers a comprehensive overview of the page's metadata, while Detailed SEO includes additional features like checking the URL's X-Robots-Tag and displaying schema information. SEO Pro is another popular extension that provides insights into redirects and web vitals data.

3. NoFollow

The NoFollow extension helps users quickly identify nofollow and follow links on a page. By default, it highlights nofollow links in red, but users can customize the settings to display follow links in green. This extension is handy for detecting unusual linking patterns, such as separately linked portions of anchor text or buttons that should not be handled with an "a" tag.

4. Link Grabber

Link Grabber is a time-saving extension that allows users to quickly check the "href" attributes of "a" tags on a page. It enables users to identify duplicate links and external links and search for specific links within the page's link structure.

5. Check My Links

Check My Links is a reliable extension for checking the health of links on a page. It identifies every link on the page and reports its status, such as 4xx errors, redirects, or other loading issues, all key focuses for SEO monitoring.

6. Redirect Path

Redirect Path is the most dependable extension for detecting URL redirects. While few extensions are available for this purpose, Redirect Path stands out as the best option. However, users may occasionally experience a slight delay when opening the extension's pop-up.

7. HTTP Headers

The HTTP Headers extension is a straightforward tool for accessing response header data. It displays the HTTP request and response for the current tab, providing valuable insights into the page's header information.

8. Robots Exclusion Checker

Although extensions like SEO Meta in 1-Click and Detailed SEO offer features to assess a page's indexability, the Robots Exclusion Checker extension is unmatched in this area. The extension's icon changes based on the URL's indexability, making it highly convenient for users to quickly determine whether a page is accessible to search engine crawlers.

9. Ahrefs, Majestic, SEOquake & Moz

The choice of backlink checker extension depends on the user's preferred daily backlink tool. Each extension offers features beyond backlink metrics, such as changing the browser's user agent or checking page headings. However, using separate tools for these specific tasks is often more effective. The Ahrefs extension also displays the rank of each search result in the SERP, providing additional insights for SEO professionals.

10. HeadingsMap

HeadingsMap is an exceptional extension for analyzing page heading structures. It provides a clear visual representation of the heading hierarchy, making it easy to identify missing or improper heading structures. Additionally, this extension can display the page's semantic HTML5 tags in combination with the heading structure, offering a comprehensive overview of the page's content organization.

11. Web Vitals

Web Vitals is the official Chrome extension developed by Google to measure a page's performance data. The extension's color changes based on the page's performance metrics, providing an instant visual indication of the page's speed and user experience. It also shares the performance report for the opened page and compares it with local data. This lets users to track performance improvements over time.

12. CLS Visualizer

The CLS Visualizer extension helps identify elements on the page that contribute to cumulative layout shifts (CLS). It highlights these elements in red, making it easier for developers and SEO professionals to address CLS issues and improve the user experience.

13. Performance-Analyser

Performance Analyser is a multifaceted extension that provides performance-related data after a page loads. Users can access information such as the number of images, total image size, total number of requests, requests to third parties, and a waterfall chart depicting the page's loading sequence.

14. Keyword Surfer & Keyword Everywhere

Keyword Surfer and Keyword Everywhere are two essential extensions for conducting quick keyword research directly from the search engine results page (SERP). Both extensions provide insights into search term volume, cost-per-click (CPC), and related keywords, allowing SEO professionals to make informed decisions about keyword targeting strategies.

15. Wappalyzer, React Developer Tools, Vue Devtools & Angular Devtools

Understanding a website's underlying technology is a crucial aspect of website analysis. Wappalyzer is a popular tool that helps identify the technologies used on a website. Additionally, the React, Vue, and Angular dev tool extensions provide more detailed information when analyzing sites built with these specific JavaScript frameworks.

Chrome Extensions Are Only Part of the Battle—You Need a Well-Rounded SEO Strategy

Google Chrome extensions can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SEO professionals. By leveraging the best extensions for tasks such as metadata analysis, link checking, performance monitoring, and keyword research, SEO experts can streamline their workflows and gain valuable insights into website performance and optimization opportunities.

While not exhaustive, this list represents a solid foundation for any SEO professional looking to expand their toolkit and improve their daily work processes.

It is important to remember that while these extensions can be beneficial, they should be used in conjunction with a well-rounded SEO strategy that encompasses both on-page and off-page optimization techniques. By combining the power of these extensions with a deep understanding of SEO best practices, professionals can drive better website results and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing digital landscape.

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