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How to Diversify Your Messages

How to Diversify Your Messages

The democratization of the internet has invited more players than ever into the competition of the marketplace. What does this mean? It means that your favorite brands not only aren’t local, they may not even be based in the U.S. 

Start-ups, business leaders and dreamers all over the world are being empowered to function at higher levels. 

This is afforded to them by access to more talent, more resources and a ready audience. They have opportunities like never before. It also means that every business has to take a critical eye to whether or not their messaging is diverse enough. As we all grow our bottom lines, our ads, posts and offerings have to get just as much attention if we hope to stay relevant.

Read on to learn some essential points of assessment and improved practices that can help you objectively critique and evolve your brand.

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Are You Diverse Enough?

Marketing professionals have long understood the need to incorporate diversity into imagining and even language. However, the extent of this need is greater than ever before. No more is it enough just to speak to the 3-4 largest core demographics nationwide. Now, there is the challenge (and opportunity!) to cast an even wider net through copywriting, video and PR connections.

Here are some action points to take in this assessment:

  1. Do you see clear evidence in comparative demographics that your brand audience has shifted? 
  2. What is the margin of your audience shift? How is it measured and reported?
  3. Has your brand messaging taken this shift into account?
  4. Audit your last 3 times you did a PR outreach: does it reflect a broader audience?
  5. Audit your last 5 ads: same question.

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How Does a Brand Become More Diverse?

Arguably, whether or not your target customer has “always been” within certain demographic parameters, that pool is growing. Unless you want to be outpaced, your strategies must grow as well. Here are a few ways that your brand can become more diverse.

  • Accommodate more than one customer persona: traditionally, a persona is something that drives most of your targeted marketing and PR efforts. For example, you want to be featured in this magazine because your target customer reads it. Imagine the possibilities if you expanded this vision to include more subcategories. New podcasts, new platforms, new TV shows, new publications all could become available to you if you realize that an increasing number of people in alternate demographics are aware of and buying into your brand.
  • Change your collateral. It is an admirable intention to include more types of people in your visual and print materials. Do it. Choose different photos, hire different models, use different terms. In addition to being conscientious and enhancing relevancy, this positions you to make new connections with affiliates, influencers and promoters.
  • Reimagine your goods and services. Even small changes, made with diversity in mind, could present your brand to the marketplace in a different way. In other words, if you aim to represent more people, you will appeal to more people. To truly get more sales from this, you need to consider novel ways to package, promote and deliver your goods and services.

Diversity is Not a Trend

In her notorious letter to the New York Times by Heidi Zak, the CEO of a bra company called Third Love, reminded everyone that diversity isn’t groundbreaking. Rather, she claimed, it “should be the norm.” 

Here are some facts:

  1. 70% of millennials will choose a brand that demonstrates diversity
  2. 91% of Shutterstock customers buy images that show nontraditional families and nonprofessional models
  3. Brands with a higher diversity score have as much as an 83% higher customer preference

At an Adobe Summit in 2019, marketing experts reported on a global survey. They found that 61% of Americans found diversity in ads important. 38% of consumers trust brands that show more diversity. 34% of respondents had boycotted a brand because they felt their identity was underrepresented in ads. As many as 120 million people in the U.S. alone feel they are not portrayed in ads. 

This means that businesses have a chance to improve. As you reflect on these statistics, consider your own messaging and PR work, what do you see? I challenge you to identify the areas in which your company can grow. In addition to remaining competitive, it’s the right thing to do.

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