4 min read

How to Write a New Hire’s Press Release

How to Write a New Hire’s Press Release

Picture the scene: your company has just made a major new hire. A big-time professional with the skills and experience to provide a new category of service, spark game-changing innovation, or help your business move upstream to new markets. 

It’s an exciting time. The buzz around your office is palpable. You just hired the LeBron of SaaS, or accounting, or whatever it is your business happens to do. Success is right around the corner, and everyone needs to know about it.

Your first step: a new hire press release. Whenever a company hires a new executive or even promotes an existing one, you’ll see them put out a press release proudly announcing their new addition. Here’s one from Apple. Here’s another from Procter & Gamble.

If you’re in content marketing or corporate communications, the task of writing these press releases usually falls to you. If you’re not quite sure where to start, keep reading. We’ll explore the purpose these press releases serve, then share a step-by-step walkthrough of the process you should follow to create a great one. 

Why Write a Press Release for New Hires? 

Whenever your company hires someone who’s going to move the needle in a major way, it’s press release time. That usually means you’ve hired (or promoted) a new C-Suite executive into a new position with major influence on your business. 

The goal of a new hire press release is two-fold: to demonstrate your company’s continued commitment to growth and success, and to highlight that this new person has the skills and experience to accelerate that journey. 

Relevant, well-written press releases will be picked up by the news media on newswires. Your customers and target audiences will read about your new executive in trade publications and newsletters. The local business community will take notice. Prospective clients will be impressed. 

Of course, you’ll also publicize your press release on your own channels: your website, social media, and so on. The goal is to make your new hire as widely known as possible, helping grow not only their personal brand but also the reputation of your company. 

If you’re still questioning whether you should write a press release, consult this flow chart:

How to Write a Press Release for New Hires

Writing a press release for new hires is not dissimilar to writing any other form of press release. You’ll follow the same format and structure, and you’ll share it in the same way. Below, you’ll find a brief summary of this process. 

1. Clarify the Details

When it comes to a press release, the devil is in the details. That’s particularly true for a new hire press release. Before you write the press release, you need to understand exactly what’s happening. 

That means you need to know all of the details: who is the new hire replacing? What is their job title? What responsibilities do they have? When is this transition happening? 

The answers to all of these questions play a key role in your press release, helping readers understand what they can expect from your new hire, and when they’ll be in the role. 

2. Source Your Quotes

Effective press releases almost always contain quotes from people with first-hand knowledge of the issue. In this case, you’ll want to solicit two quotes: one from your new hire, and one from the leader that hired them (usually your CEO or Chairperson of the Board). 

These quotes should have the following focus:

  • Leader: your leader should talk about the confidence they have in the new hire, reflecting on their skills, experience, and leadership qualities.
  • New Hire: your new hire should talk about how excited they are about the opportunity, outline their gratitude for their team, and share why they’re excited for the future. 

These quotes don’t have to be overly long – a few sentences from each individual is more than enough. 


3. Start Writing

This press release will follow a similar format to any other press release. Start by including all the core elements that need to be involved: headlines, dates, locations, contact information, company bios, and so on. 

Then, you’ll add all of the relevant details. Your opening line might look something like this:

“PHILADELPHIA, PA (Nov 3, 2023)––Hire a Writer is today delighted to announce the appointment of Joe Bloggs as Chief Operating Officer, effective November 15, 2023.”

In just a line or two, you’ve communicated everything everyone really needs to know: the who, the what, and the when. 

Next, you’ll move on to the why. 

Joy Youell, Hire a Writer’s Chief Executive Officer, said “Joe has been an integral part of growth at leading agencies around the country and we’re excited to welcome him to Hire a Writer. He is a proven leader with experience building high-performance teams and providing outstanding client experiences.”

You can also use this section to outline the responsibilities that your new hire will take. 

Joe will be responsible for all aspects of client fulfillment, working closely with Hire a Writer’s clients and internal teams to create high-quality content that accelerates business growth. 

Next up, you’ll introduce your new hire’s experience and track record. 

Joe joins Hire a Writer from ACME Agency, where he worked with dozens of Fortune 500 clients to develop content strategies that drove tangible business results. He previously held a variety of senior leadership positions as ACME grew from a mid-market agency to one of the world’s foremost content strategy firms. 

Your next section should feature a quote from your new hire:

“I’m honored to join the leadership team at Hire a Writer,” said Mr. Bloggs. “The business has fantastic momentum, an extremely talented team, and a bright future. I’m excited to get to work with our clients and explore meaningful new ways we can work together to grow their business.”

Finally, you’ll finish with the standard press release verbiage including a short bio about your company and details of your media contact. 

Hire a Writer is a content marketing agency that partners closely with marketing teams in mid-sized to enterprise-level businesses to create a rich variety of digital content that helps businesses activate growth. 

4. Put It All Together

Piece together all the different components of your press release and check it for spelling, grammar, and flow. Refine your draft, send it to your new hire and leadership team for approval, and then share it with the world. 

Encourage your new hire to publicize their new position across their own platforms, including their LinkedIn and other social media profiles. Remember, your goal is for this news to be shared as widely as possible. 

Press Services with Hire a Writer

If you need some extra assistance writing press releases or are ready to take the leap into building an in-house press function, the team at Hire a Writer can help. Our press services cover a wide range of offerings tailored to the individual needs of each client. 

To learn more about how we can support your business, contact us today.  

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