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Content Strategy

The Ultimate Guide to Medspa SEO

7 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Medspa SEO

A strong online presence is crucial for any business, and medical spas are no exception. With the increasing competition in the aesthetics industry,...

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Vintage headphones in cubism style.

4 min read

Podcast SEO: 5 Strategies to Boost Your Rankings

In recent years, podcasts have experienced a surge in popularity, with millions of shows now available across various platforms like Spotify, Apple...

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Groups of papers with information on them in cubism style.

4 min read

Improve Website Competitiveness: The Power of SEO Topic Clusters

In the dynamic world of online marketing, search engine optimizers wield a potent tool: the SEO topic cluster. With meticulous attention to detail...

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A cubism-style image of a man.

3 min read

Unlock the Potential: AI and NLP's Impact on SEO Strategies

In the fast-paced digital landscape, modern websites are at the mercy of constantly evolving algorithms dictating the content displayed in search...

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content intelligence

2 min read

Understanding Content Intelligence

Content intelligence involves harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning through software to gain insights into the performance of...

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bot traffic

5 min read

Understanding Bot Traffic: Its Significance and Implications

Bots have become an indispensable part of the modern digital landscape. They assist us in ordering groceries, playing music on Slack channels, and...

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evergreen content

3 min read

The Art of Evergreen Content and Its Benefits

Evergreen content is the cornerstone of enduring relevance in the digital landscape. It possesses the unique quality of remaining consistently...

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content pillars

4 min read

High-Performing Content Pillars

Are you considering a content pillar strategy for your marketing efforts? Well, you've come to the right place. This guide will explore successful...

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experimental optimization

2 min read

Enhancing SERP Listings through Experimental Optimization

The conventional method for improving Search Engine Results Page (SERP) listings often involves adhering to a set of established best practices....

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YMYL SEO Strategies and Best Practices

4 min read

Unlocking the Power of YMYL SEO: Strategies and Best Practices

Google's continuous updates, particularly regarding YMYL (Your Money Your Life) websites and the E-A-T principle (Expertise, Authoritativeness,...

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search results

1 min read

Google is Simplifying Search Results

Google's Gary Illyes has emphasized an ongoing trend in Search results - the removal of SERP features such as HowTo and FAQ rich results.

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People competing in a race drawn in cubism style.

3 min read

Analyzing SEO Competitors: Unpack Content Strategies

There's a secret in SEO that I'll let you in on – it doesn't have to be complicated. There's an easy way to figure out how to stay ahead of the...

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holiday seo

6 min read

Holiday SEO - When to Start and What to do

Getting Ready for Black Friday and the Holiday Season in 2023: 7 Essential SEO Tips

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featured snippets

7 min read

Featured Snippets: Strategies and Benefits

Featured snippets, often referred to as position zero, are coveted real estate in Google's search engine results pages (SERPs). These concise and...

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structured data markup

2 min read

Structured Data Markup: A Step-by-Step Guide

One of the most effective strategies to boost your online presence is by employing structured data markup. This markup allows search engines to...

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keyword themes

3 min read

Mastering Keyword Themes for Effective SEO Strategies

To enhance the optimization of your web pages, shift your focus from individual keywords to comprehensive keyword themes. While it may seem like...

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topical authority

3 min read

Let's Get Topical (Authority, That Is)

Google's relentless pursuit of delivering valuable content makes topical authority more important than ever before.

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trophy seo

1 min read

New Study Reveals: 85% of Top 5 Google SERPs Titles Feature Keywords

A recent survey conducted by BrightEdge (shared to the internet by SEL) has unveiled a compelling statistic: a staggering 85% of titles within the...

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girl walking to a local business local SEO

3 min read

Mastering Local SEO

Local businesses are discovering the power of local SEO to attract nearby customers and boost their online presence. Local SEO goes beyond...

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sad woman cubism style

2 min read

Google's Explanation for Low Rankings Despite Good SEO

When it comes to the enigmatic world of SEO, a conundrum often arises: why does a well-optimized site fail to secure a high ranking, even in the face...

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people linked

2 min read

Earning Links Through Subreddit Lists

There are a bunch of ways to reach your website's tentacles out into the WWW.

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keyword map

2 min read

This Year's SEO = Next Year's Results

In the ever-changing landscape of SEO, it's crucial to recognize that the results you achieve in the upcoming year are closely tied to the efforts...

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cat cubism style

1 min read

Guide to Long-Tail and Conversational Queries

Understanding the intricacies of search queries is a fundamental aspect of successful search engine optimization (SEO).

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face cubism style

3 min read

Unlocking Position Zero: Featured Snippets in Google Knowledge Center

In search engine optimization (SEO), securing a coveted spot on the first page of search results has long been the goal. However, with new AI...

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google logo cubism style

2 min read

Google Algorithm Updates: Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and BERT

In the ever-changing landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), staying on top of Google's algorithm updates is paramount for maintaining and...

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starry sky cubism style

2 min read

The Dynamic Lifecycle of Search Phrases

SEO and PPC: neither is a "set it and forget it" endeavor. They're constantly in flux.

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3 min read

Google Tag Manager: Make Your Life Easy

In the ever-expanding digital landscape, data-driven decision-making is vital for businesses to succeed.

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Outlining With ChatGPT

4 min read

Outlining With ChatGPT

One of the ways that content AI systems are useful to content strategists and writers is outlining. It uses the same sources we use (i.e., the...

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Metadata and HTML Tags for SEO

3 min read

Metadata and HTML Tags for SEO

As you may have seen in our previous post - What is Search Engine Optimization? - SEO includes more than just writing. The technical side covers...

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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

10 min read

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

You can Google. A BUNCH of stuff. Or you can read this and get the full picture of everything SEO-related.

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Technical SEO

3 min read

Technical SEO

There are a few technical SEO components that impact organic search for your site, and are not related to words (or on-page SEO factors).

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Content, Credibility & SEO: Building Trust with Readers and Robots

4 min read

Content, Credibility & SEO: Building Trust with Readers and Robots

As of March of 2022, the internet is home to just under 2 billion websites. And probably less than 1% of them are worth visiting. How do you make...

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Writing for Search Intent: Capturing the ‘Why’ Instead of the ‘Who’

4 min read

Writing for Search Intent: Capturing the ‘Why’ Instead of the ‘Who’

Think about the last Google search you did. What did you type? Whether you typed “sushi near me,” “how to fix a leaky faucet” or basically anything...

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Best Word Count for SEO? There Isn’t One

3 min read

Best Word Count for SEO? There Isn’t One

This blog post is 950 words. Is that the best word count for SEO purposes? Nope.

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Does Duplicate Content Affect SEO

5 min read

Does Duplicate Content Affect SEO?

When you have a blog post, landing page, product description or other piece of web content that is working well for you, the temptation to use the...

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How to Find Keywords for Your Real Estate Business Blog

5 min read

How to Find Keywords for Your Real Estate Business Blog

For real estate businesses, getting more clients is the only way to grow. You can get clients in a number of ways in this industry, but one of the...

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3 Things an SEO Specialist Should Do

3 min read

3 Things an SEO Specialist Should Do

As I’ve mentioned before, “SEO” is a term that’s thrown around a lot with like a 7% understanding of what it means. That’s not meant to be snarky,...

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Writing for Humans

4 min read

Writing for Humans

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